
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gibraltar Chess Festival R7: Hou beats Judit; Michael Adams leads

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hello everyone,

Hou Yifan, reigning Women's World Chess Champion, has defeated World's highest-ever rated woman chess player Judit Polgar, in Gibraltar. It was their first encounter as they met in the seventh round of the ongoing Tradewise Chess Festival's Masters tournament. Meanwhile, British Grandmaster Mickey Adams is leading the tournament with 6 points out of 7 games.

Other top players in the Masters include Peter Svidler, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Michael Adams, Zoltan Almasi, Le Quang Liem, Judit Polgar and Alexei Shirov.

The 2011 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival is taking place from Tuesday, 24th January to Thursday, 2nd February 2012 at the Caleta Hotel in Gibraltar. The event is the tenth in the series held on the Rock, the second to be sponsored by Tradewise Insurance with technical support by Gibtelecom. The rate of play: 40 moves in 100 minutes plus 20 moves in 50 minutes plus 15 minutes for all remaining moves with 30 seconds per move added from the start. You can access the official website for more info. 

Here is the Yifan-Judit game with Chess King. Enjoy.

Hou, Yifan (2605) - Polgar, Judit (2710)

Result: 1-0
Site: ?
Date: 2012.01.30
[...] 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤c6 5.¤c3 a6 6.¥e2 ¤ge7 7.¥f4 ¤g6 8.¤xc6 bxc6 9.¥d6 ¥xd6 10.£xd6 £e7 11.O-O-O £xd6 12.¦xd6 ¢e7 13.¦hd1 ¤f4 14.¥f3 ¦b8 15.¦6d2 g5 16.¤a4 d5 17.g3 ¤g6 18.¦e1 ¢f6 19.¥h5 ¦b4 20.¤c3 d4 21.e5+ ¤xe5 22.¤e4+ ¢e7 23.¤xg5 h6 24.¤xe6 ¥xe6 25.¦xe5 ¦d8 26.f4 ¦b5 27.¦de2 ¢f6 28.¥f3 c5 29.a4 ¦b4 30.¦xc5 ¦xa4 31.b3 ¦b4 32.¥e4 ¥g4 33.¦e1 ¦d6 34.¥d3 ¥d7 35.¦ee5 ¥e6 36.¢d2 ¦bb6 37.¦a5 ¦bc6 38.¦a4 ¦b6 39.¦e4 ¥f5 40.¦exd4 ¦e6 41.¥c4 ¦ec6 42.¦a5 ¥c8 43.¥d3 ¥e6 44.¦d8 ¥c8 45.¦ad5 ¥e6 46.¦h5 ¢g7 47.f5

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. amrit puri, knights chess club, new delhiJanuary 31, 2012 at 12:44 PM

    fantastic focus by the young chinese gm but then you already predicted a great career for your successor chess queen.

  2. women's chess overall is really really strong. humpy holds judit to draw and hou wins. now considering that judit was right up there losing only to svidler in the chess cup we can jolly well imagine what humpy and hou's strength is. I foresee that in the times to come there won't really be any women or open tournaments. that era of few women playing chess is all gone. great show by hou.

  3. san tan, call me fanJanuary 31, 2012 at 2:48 PM

    hou is houdini reborn - great chess magic


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