
Monday, January 30, 2012

Colombo Chess Open and Cech Chess Tour dates announced

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

Some chess tournament news update via Fide. 

Colombo Chess Open
The 5th Colombo International Chess Festival 2012, an International Rating Open Chess event, with a total prize fund of nearly Rs. 250,000/= in cash and other attractive awards will be played according to the Swiss System in 9 rounds from 15th to 22nd February 2012. Venue: Colombo. Read more here.

Czech Chess Tour 2012/13
Also, 12th International Chess Festivals Series CZECH TOUR 2012/2013 can be found on here. Preliminary regulations of the 23rd International Chess and Games Festival CZECH OPEN 2012 can be found here.

Registration deadline for 3rd NOVY BOR OPEN, which takes place 11th –18th February 2012, has been prolonged without extra fee for the late enrolment till 5th February 2012.

The registration deadline for 1st LANTA OPEN, which takes place 22nd - 28th March 2012 in Thailand, has been prolonged without extra fee for the late enrolment till 29th February 2012.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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