
Friday, December 30, 2011

Reggio Emilia R3: Ivanchuk beats Caruana, Morozevich leads

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hi everyone,

The chess news from Italy is focused on the 54th Reggio Emilia Tournament that is into the third round now. In the third round, Fabiano Caruana lost to Vassily Ivanchuk giving the latter a shared second spot for now with Hikaru Nakamura. Here is the Caruana-Ivanchuk game.

Caruana, Fabiano (2727) - Ivanchuk, Vassily (2775)

Result: 0-1
Site: Reggio Emilia ITA
Date: 2011.12.29

[...] 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤f6 5.¤c3 e6 6.¤db5 d6 7.¥f4 e5 8.¥g5 a6 9.¤a3 b5 10.¥xf6 gxf6 11.¤d5 f5 12.g3 fxe4 13.¥g2 ¥g7 14.¥xe4 ¥e6 15.O-O O-O 16.c3 f5 17.¥g2 ¦b8 18.¤c2 a5 19.a3 ¢h8 20.£e2 £d7 21.¦ad1 e4 22.f3 ¤d4 23.¤xd4 ¥xd5 24.£d2 b4 25.axb4 axb4 26.fxe4 bxc3 27.bxc3 fxe4 28.¦xf8+ ¦xf8 29.£e3 £e7 30.¥h3 £e5 31.¦e1 ¦f6 32.¥g2 ¦f7 33.¦b1 ¥b7 34.¤e2 d5 35.¦b6 £c7 36.¦b1 ¥e5 37.¤d4 ¥a6 38.¥f1 ¥c4 39.¥xc4 £xc4 40.¤e6 £a6 41.¤d4 h6 42.¤e2 ¢h7 43.¦f1 ¦xf1+ 44.¢xf1 £a1+ 45.¢g2 £e1 46.£f2 £xf2+ 47.¢xf2 ¢g6 48.¢e3 ¢f5 49.h3 ¥f6 50.¤d4+ ¢e5 51.¢d2 ¥g5+ 52.¢e2 ¥c1 53.¤b5 ¢e6 54.¤d4+ ¢f6 55.¤b5 ¢e5 56.¤d4 ¥a3 57.¤c2 ¥c5 58.¤e3 ¢e6 59.¤g4 ¥f8 60.¤e3 ¥g7 61.¢d2 ¥e5 62.g4 ¥f4 63.¢e2 ¥g5 64.¤f5 ¢e5 65.¤e3 ¢d6 66.¤f5+ ¢c5 67.¤e3 ¥f4 68.¤g2 ¥c7 69.¤e3 ¥a5 70.¤d1 ¢d6 71.¢e3 ¢e5 72.¢e2 ¢e6 73.¢e3 ¥b6+ 74.¢e2 ¢f6 75.¤e3 ¥xe3 76.¢xe3 ¢g5 77.¢f2 ¢f4 78.¢g2 ¢e3 79.h4 ¢f4 80.g5 hxg5 81.h5 ¢f5 82.¢g3 ¢f6 83.¢g4 ¢g7

Nakamura, on his part, drew his game with Alexander Morozevich who maintained his lead. The other game - between Nikita Vitiugov and Anish Giri - also ended in a draw.

In the women’s tournament Sopiko Guramishvili won and leads with a perfect score. You can access the official website for more info.

Round 3 standings (3 points for a win, 1 for a draw):
1. Morozevich Alexander 2762 RUS – 7
2-3. Nakamura Hikaru 2758 USA and Ivanchuk Vassily 2775 UKR – 5
4-5. Giri Anish 2714 NED and Vitiugov Nikita 2729 RUS – 2
6. Caruana Fabiano 2727 ITA – 1

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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