
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Strongest-ever chess tournament in England begins Dec 3 - London Chess Classic 2011 pairings

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hello everyone,

It's flight time from Moscow to London. We're headed from one chess extravaganza to another. The London Chess Classic 2011, the strongest tournament in the history of British chess, runs from 3-12 December 2011. The 2800 club makes yet another meeting right after the VI Tal Chess Memorial and Carlsen, Anand, Aronian, and Kramnik will face each other in a round robin tournament together with Nakamura, Adams, Short, McShane, and Howell. Chessdom / Chessbomb live games platform will have Houdini analysis of the championship. Official website:

Meanwhile, here are all the pairings. Keep track.

London Chess Classic – pairings

Round one: December 3rd, starting at 14.00
Vladimir Kramnik -Hikaru Nakamura,
Levon Aronian -Luke McShane,
Magnus Carlsen -David Howell,
Michael Adams -Viswanathan Anand.
Nigel Short bye, assisting the commentary

Round two: December 4th, starting at 14.00
David Howell -Michael Adams,
Luke McShane -Magnus Carlsen,
Hikaru Nakamura -Levon Aronian,
Nigel Short -Vladimir Kramnik.
Viswanathan Anand bye, assisting the commentary

Round three: December 5th, starting at 14.00
Levon Aronian -Nigel Short,
Magnus Carlsen -Hikaru Nakamura,
Michael Adams -Luke McShane,
Viswanathan Anand -David Howell.
Vladimir Kramnik bye, assisting the commentary

Round four: December 6th, starting at 16.00
Magnus Carlsen -Vladimir Kramnik,
Michael Adams -Nigel Short,
Viswanathan Anand -Hikaru Nakamura,
David Howell -Luke McShane.
Levon Aronian bye, assisting the commentary 

Rest day: December 7th

Round five: December 8th, starting at 14.00 
Hikaru Nakamura -David Howell,
Nigel Short -Viswanathan Anand,
Vladimir Kramnik -Michael Adams,
Levon Aronian -Magnus Carlsen.
Luke McShane bye, assisting the commentary

Round six: December 9th, starting at 14.00
Michael Adams -Levon Aronian,
Viswanathan Anand -Vladimir Kramnik,
David Howell -Nigel Short,
Luke McShane -Hikaru Nakamura.
Magnus Carlsen bye, assisting the commentary

Round seven: December 10th, starting at 14.00
Nigel Short -Luke McShane,
Vladimir Kramnik -David Howell,
Levon Aronian -Viswanathan Anand,
Magnus Carlsen -Michael Adams.
Hikaru Nakamura bye, assisting the commentary

Round eight: December 11th, starting at 14.00
Viswanathan Anand -Magnus Carlsen,
David Howell -Levon Aronian,
Luke McShane -Vladimir Kramnik,
Hikaru Nakamura -Nigel Short.
Michael Adams bye, assisting the commentary

Round nine: December 12th, starting at 12.00
Luke McShane -Viswanathan Anand,
Hikaru Nakamura -Michael Adams,
Nigel Short -Magnus Carlsen,
Vladimir Kramnik -Levon Aronian.
David Howell bye, assisting the commentary
From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. are aronian carlsen anand naka taking same flight from moscow to london

  2. considering its going to be football scoring i doubt if there will be too many draws


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