
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Max Euwe Memorial Chess Tournament R1 news!

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hi everyone,

Here is chess news from the first round of the Max Euwe chess tournament that witnessed only three games instead of the planned four on the first day. All because Stuart Conquest was supposed to fly in from London early on Monday morning, but due to dense fog on London City Airport his flight had to be cancelled. Conquest was still on the way to Amsterdam on Monday evening. The game that he was supposed to play on Monday against Keti Arakhamia will be played on the rest day on Thursday.
Peng, Socko, Cramling
Paul van der Sterren escaped in his first tournament game since 10 (!) years. The semi-retired Dutchman played his last tournament game in the Dutch Championship back in 2001. In the game against 76-year old Fridrik Olafsson from Iceland he had some problems to solve on the black side of a Nimzo-Indian. 

Fridrik Olafsson
The game between Zhaoqin Peng and Pia Cramling was balanced and the logical result was a draw. 

Robin van Kampen celebrated his 17th birthday today and seemed to have very good position against Monika Socko, but he could not find a way to win. 

“Well, I never play very well on my birthday,” said the youngest Dutch grandmaster. Tournament director Monique van de Griendt had a small present for Van Kampen: am Amsterdam travel guide. Robin was happy with the gift: “This is great, I always get lost in Amsterdam”.

You can follow the games live on the official website: In the evening, at 20.00 GM Hans Ree wil hold a lecture (in Dutch) about Max Euwe.

(Left Photo: Robin van Kampen)

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