Korchnoi's wit and French team's sportsmanship - that's what chess is all about!
Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011
Hi everyone,
Here are two incidents from the European Team Chess Championship 2011 currently on in Greece. One is about sportsmanship and the other is about legendary Korchnoi wit.
The first is the Viktor Korchnoi incident. We found it on www.chess-news.ru (Russian). The legendary grandmaster is playing on board two for Switzerland. In round four, he reached the above position, as Black, against the Welsh player Tim Kett. White, who is to play, is obviously dead lost. Kett, however, sat staring at the position or glancing at the board next to him, for some time.

Eventually, Viktor could contain himself no longer, and pointed out to his opponent that it was his move. Kett continued to ponder some more, and then resigned. Korchnoi’s reaction was “That is the correct move!”
France's offer of draw
Vugar Gashimov of Azerbaijan fell ill during the Round 4 match, after which France’s team offered to tie the games on all boards. Gashimov is better now but there, we have another incident of sportsmanship. That is what chess is all about never mind the occasional stupid incident of cheating etc.
From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at
Hi everyone,
Here are two incidents from the European Team Chess Championship 2011 currently on in Greece. One is about sportsmanship and the other is about legendary Korchnoi wit.
The first is the Viktor Korchnoi incident. We found it on www.chess-news.ru (Russian). The legendary grandmaster is playing on board two for Switzerland. In round four, he reached the above position, as Black, against the Welsh player Tim Kett. White, who is to play, is obviously dead lost. Kett, however, sat staring at the position or glancing at the board next to him, for some time.

Eventually, Viktor could contain himself no longer, and pointed out to his opponent that it was his move. Kett continued to ponder some more, and then resigned. Korchnoi’s reaction was “That is the correct move!”
France's offer of draw
Vugar Gashimov of Azerbaijan fell ill during the Round 4 match, after which France’s team offered to tie the games on all boards. Gashimov is better now but there, we have another incident of sportsmanship. That is what chess is all about never mind the occasional stupid incident of cheating etc.
Round 4: Azerbaijan-France Before the match!
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From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at
Labels: azerbaijan, european team chess championship 2011, france, viktor korchnoi, vugar gashimov
At November 8, 2011 at 11:37 AM ,
Alexis Cochran, New Zealand said...
Korchnoi is just amazing.
At November 8, 2011 at 12:01 PM ,
Aaron, Wurzburg said...
The Frenchmen - give it to them for gallantry
At November 9, 2011 at 2:38 AM ,
Abdul Majid, Dubai said...
Korchnoi is Korchnoi. I like the French gesture.
At November 9, 2011 at 7:42 AM ,
Eric Liu, Beijing said...
I look at Korrchinoi as most great chess grandmaster. Swiss Delight.
At November 9, 2011 at 9:13 AM ,
Amrit Puri Knights Chess Club New Delhi said...
Most inspirational grandmaster - hats off to Viktor Korchnoi
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