
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

'My big match with the chess-champion politician'

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hi everyone,

We have this lovely feature from The Guardian with their journalist Stephen Moss catching up with a young and bright politician. 

My big match with the chess-champion MP

Stephen Moss

Why our chess-playing reporter couldn't resist playing Labour MP Rachel Reeves – and how he came unstuck thanks to the great Garry Kasparov.

Labour MP Rachel Reeves – a former under-14 UK girls champion – plays chess with Stephen Moss. Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian

Labour MP Rachel Reeves was in earnest conversation with Garry Kasparov, the highest-rated chess player of all time, and Nigel Short, the best ever British player. Well might she be. She will shortly be facing me across the board.

The 32-year-old Reeves is a rising star in the Labour party, and was recently promoted to shadow chief secretary to the Treasury. She is even being touted as a possible future leader. Far more interesting, however, is that she was also once under-14 UK girls chess champion, and has today yesterday gathered together a galaxy of top chess talent in a crowded room at the House of Commons to promote Chess in Schools and Communities, a charity that aims to get children playing chess in the belief that it will foster self-discipline and teach problem-solving skills.

Reeves tells the assembled audience of kids, grandmothers and grandmasters that chess was the perfect preparation for politics, teaching you to stay one step ahead of your opponents. She says she has played very little since school, but has gamely agreed to play me, a decidedly average club-strength player but one who, unlike her, does play regularly.

We play a so-called "blitz" game – 10 minutes each for all the moves. Reeves is a little rusty, and within 15 moves I have a won position. We trundle on a little longer, but the game is done and I am swelling visibly. I have beaten the former under-14 UK girls chess champion!

We shake hands and prepare to leave the board. Just before we do, however, who should drift over but Kasparov. He quickly sizes up the situation – that Reeves, his host for the day and the new standard-bearer of chess in schools – has been walloped, and suggests a rematch. He will, he says, intervene on her behalf just three times.

We play again. The position becomes complex, messy. At first, Kasparov keeps his counsel, but as the game gets more interesting he can't help lending Reeves a hand. "I'm just offering general advice," he insists as her position improves while mine deteriorates. We are both horribly short of time, but there is no doubt she is on top. "Now final, final, final shot," says Kasparov as my position becomes dire. He has seen a way to win my queen, and Reeves eventually sees it too. Amid much laughter and applause I resign. "Good moves can easily be explained," says Kasparov. "They are just natural."

"I think that's one of the best games I've ever played," says Reeves with neat self-deprecation.

The Guardian has lost, but it is defeat with honour, and after shaking hands with the immortal Kasparov at the end of the game, it will not be washing for a month. (The moves from both games are shown at

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. Golly I got confused with the caption at first sight! I thought the journalist was the girl - heh heh. Great. Politician chess player and woman. wow combination. I must show it to my daughters. Thanks for sharing Alexandra. You're such an inspiration always. Do well.

  2. Jessica Bentley, LondonOctober 19, 2011 at 6:10 AM

    Reeves is quite something I can tell you.

  3. "Good moves can easily be explained," says Kasparov. "They are just natural." That should be the quote of the year!

  4. saira fernandes, MadridOctober 19, 2011 at 7:20 AM

    Rachel Reeves - interesting profile. Just goes to show girls CAN play chess and are not nerds or crazies. They excel at so much else too.I like women-chess-related posts on your website Chess Queen. You rock.

  5. Interesting stories there. Chess - what a super gift from the gods

  6. Timothy Rodricks, ManchesterOctober 19, 2011 at 8:26 AM

    Cool real cool

  7. Alexis Cochran, New ZealandOctober 19, 2011 at 8:26 AM

    Pretty lady - another one like Chess Queen - beauty and brains. Politics - wow man.

  8. Can we have more of them please the girls who play chess and are in politics.

  9. Sanjay Gupta, New DelhiOctober 19, 2011 at 9:03 AM

    Finally Kasparov finds someone to have a conversation with. No wonder he helped her in the games.

  10. Maudlin Gomes, LiverpoolOctober 19, 2011 at 9:09 AM

    Under-14 UK girls chess champion popular politician - now thats a first. Move over guys - girls are best.

  11. Maudlin Gomes, LiverpoolOctober 19, 2011 at 9:09 AM

    This is so artistic. So beautiful. Wow.

  12. Maudlin Gomes, LiverpoolOctober 19, 2011 at 9:12 AM

    (Sorry my second comment is for other post. I put it there also. new around here so bit confused.) By the way GM Kosteniuk you are quite jazzy, pretty, stylish and well brainy. Not a very common combination I must say. Good wishes from England. One of your newest fans.

  13. Please where can I find such packages - why do I seem to find only girls who hate chess. I say 'chess' and girls go looking for someone else. But it seems there are girls out there who love chess. So... looking for a gf any help anyone...

  14. Chica chica chica - mi corazon le roban

  15. Las mujeres son los mejores

  16. Isn't it interesting that both Gary Kasparov and Rachel Reeves have so many 'R's in their names? Someone please look up the Fide list for chessplayers with Rs in their names. Is an 'army' of R players going to become politicians around the world?

  17. Brainy babes are planning to rule the planet. Guys, give up. No chance.

  18. Haroun Abdul Qadir, Cairo, EgyptOctober 19, 2011 at 9:36 AM

    Please why are my comments not appearing on this site. I have written 10 comments. Do you have something against people from Cairo?

  19. Harold James EsquireOctober 19, 2011 at 9:49 AM

    Quite an interesting read. My congratulations to Ms Rachel Reeves. We need more such bright young people coming forward to help England. Thank you.

  20. Three Musketeers, Land of HopeOctober 19, 2011 at 10:03 AM

    Are they cloning you Alexandra?

  21. @Haroun Apologies. Sometimes we might have server outage - at your or our end - and your comment might disappear. But we make all effort to publish whatever comments we can. Usually, the later comments roll down as we might not look at comments posted after two days. We focus on fresh posts and comments every day. Happy Chess.

  22. Jean Pierre, MarseillesOctober 19, 2011 at 11:08 AM

    Model politician or chess player? You girls rock. Thanks for sharing Alexandra. God Bless.

  23. Jerry Adams, NewfoundlandOctober 19, 2011 at 11:13 AM

    @Sebastian Wolff yups mate me too thought the MP was Stephen Moss! So much for being old fashioned.


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