
Monday, October 31, 2011

Kasparov chess simul tickets being auctioned online

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hi everyone,
Bidorbuy, a large online auction site, based in South Africa, is set to give people a unique bidding opportunity. Six winning bidders will have the opportunity to take on chess great Gary Kasparov in a simultaneous game of chess. Kasparov will play an exhibition match against 30 or so participants. Six of those will be reserved for bidders on the site.

According to bidorbuy the auctions will be a “one-a-day” affair. One ticket will be available every day over six days, with the auction running between 9AM until 9PM with bids opening at R1(US13c). “Garry Kasparov is a legend. We are very proud to host these auctions”, says bidorbuy CEO Jaco Jonker.

He expects that bidders will jump at the opportunity to play a game with one of the world’s most renowned chess players. The mass exhibition match event is part of the preparations leading up to the launch of the Kasparov Chess Foundation Africa in early 2012. The “simul” will reportedly include a number of high-profile politicians, celebrities and sports personalities. According to bidorbuy, the Kasparov Chess Foundation, already active in the USA and in Europe, plans to develop its African arm in cooperation with the one year old, and already very successful South African programme called Moves For Life. You can read more at this link.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. Alexis Cochran, New ZealandOctober 31, 2011 at 1:48 PM

    Great for Africa

  2. Kasparov still manages to do so much for chess. I think his achievements and contribution are matchless.



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