
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Women's Chess Championship begins in Hungary

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hello everyone,

A chess news press release says the Hungarian Women's Chess Championship 2012 has begun. It is taking place from September 26 to october 5 at the Hunguest Hotel Forrás in Szeged.

Live games can be followed every day from 15:00 CET at the official website. Ten players compete in the round robin tournament. WGM Anna Rudolf is the defending champion. 

List of participants:

Gara Tícia WGM 2375
Rudolf Anna WGM 2359
Gara Anita IM 2340
Schneider Veronika WGM 2297
Papp Petra WIM 2256
Tóth Lili Dr WIM 2216
Domány Zsófia WIM 2215
Dudás Eszter WFM 2212
Göczõ Melinda WIM 2204
Varga Melinda 2139
From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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