
Monday, June 27, 2011

Wojtaszek wins György Marx Chess Memorial, Kashlinshkaya wins women's section

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hello everyone,

GM Radoslaw Wojtaszek has won the IX György Marx Memorial in Paks, Hungary scoring a great 8/10. The Memorial was held June 16-27 in the Erzsébet Grand Hotel in Paks, Hungary. György Marx was a famous Hungarian physicist, known for his work on nuclear power and atomic theory. The tournament has become a traditional summer event, giving Hungarian players the opportunity to meet strong foreign grandmasters.

GM Radoslaw Wojtaszek
You can find a nice report in English with games at and also check the official website for more details. You can find lots of nice photos at this link.

This year in a six-player double round robin local heros Ferenc Berkes and Peter Acs played with Radoslaw Wojtaszek (Poland), Ilya Smirin (Israel), Ivan Salgado Lopez (Spain) and Viktor Bologan (Moldavia). The rate of play was 90 minutes for 40 moves followed by 30 minutes to finish the game, and 30 seconds per move from the first move. There was an anti-quick-draw rule in effect: the players could only offer a draw before move 40 with the arbiter’s permission in particular cases.

Wojtaszek started strongly and defeated Salgado Lopez, Berkes and Acs in the first three rounds, and then drew quickly with Smirin. He finished the first half with a win against Bologan, leading the pack with 4.5/5, half a point more than Smirin.

In the second half, with colours reversed, Wojtaszek drew his black games against Salgado Lopez and Berkes before beating Acs for the second time. He then also defeated Bologan for the second time, and ended his tournament with another draw against Smirin, who finished shared second with Berkes.

L-R winner Alina Kashlinskaya, Lilit Mkrtchian, Anna Sharevich, Ildiko Madl, Anna Rudolf and Esther Dudasz

The women’s group with Anna Rudolf, Anna Sharevich, Lilit Mkrtchian, Ildiko Madl, Alina Kashlinshkaya and Esther Dudasz, saw Kashlinshkaya win the title with 6.5/10. There was also an open and blitz tournament too.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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