
Thursday, April 21, 2011

World chess champion Vishy now champion at nappy-changin' too!

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hello everyone,

Much to the delight of the chess world, the world chess champion recently won a very precious title - that of 'dad' - to Akhil. And, now he's gone and become a champion at another art - that of changing nappies. How cool. We love to share this sweet interview with none other than the super chess guy on the block himself - Viswanathan Anand. Enjoy.

Let's see now, the correct variation for changing this nappy is left flap right flap.... Huh

What's the biggest change that you feel in life ever since Akhil came on your horizon? 
The most intriguing change is that there's another person living with us! Each day I'm discovering something new about my son Akhil. Initial couples of days, he'd have his feed and just go off to sleep. But now, he's started looking around - as if saying 'Let's be cute now!' And I'm loving it all!

You cancelled your match in Bundesliga and flew home immediately after your son's birth. Has fatherhood mellowed the world champ?
It was such a special occasion that I just had to be with my wife and welcome my precious son in this world. So, right now everything else is on the backburner till September. After that I'll focus on the forthcoming events and also plan a strategy for the world championship to be held next year.

Have you started changing your son's nappies? And how good are you at it?
Oh yes, I've become an expert in this department! (Laughs) My son seems very comfortable after my administrations, so I guess, I must be doing a good job.

Being a music buff, do you play anything special for your bundle of joy these days?
Not yet! But I'll soon record the voice of my son crying; and play it back for him. I'm sure he's going to love it! 

Simple - I did it!

Now that you are at home, how do you chill out when you are not playing with Akhil?
Chilling out in summer is actually something to look forward to. But right now, everything revolves around the baby. So, whenever he's asleep, we try and catch a few winks. Maybe in a few days, I'll get to try some new things with Akhil and even watch some films.

Your wife Aruna has been with you at every crucial match? Will that change now that there's a baby around?
During her advanced stage of pregnancy, Aruna couldn't travel much with me, and I felt really alone because she has always been with me at every important moment! But now, some adaptation and reshuffling will be required. But then, it's for a very happy reason!

Aruna's given you the most precious title in the world, what's the special treat planned for her?
Yes, she's carried our baby for nine months, and she deserves a royal treat! I've planned something special for her birthday in June! Maybe diamonds, but I'm not revealing anything else right now!

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

1 comment:

  1. This interview which appeared in The Times of India, written by Vinita Chaturvedi is really cute :) Vishy you rock!


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