
Monday, April 18, 2011

US Chess Championships R3 video: Foisor leads in women's section

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hi everyone,

Time for some news from the ongoing US Chess Championships - men and women. Three rounds have been played so far. In the men's section, in one group, we have Grandmasters Gata Kamsky, Yuri Shulman and Alexander Ivanov leading with two points each. In the other group, we have IM Samuel Shankland leading with 2.5 points. In the women's section we have WGM Sabina Foisor leading with 2.5 points. Here are the standings:

Group A
Kamsky, Shulman, Ivanov 2
Akobian, Robson 1.5
Ehlvest, Stripunsky, Naroditsky 1
Group B
Shankland 2.5
Christiansen, Hess 2.0
Onishchuk, Finegold 1.5
Seirawan, Shabalov 1.o
Kaidanov 0.5

Women's section
Foisor 2.5
Zatonskih, Krush 2.0
Baginskaite, Abrahamyan, Zenyuk 1.5
Goletiani, Melekhina 0.5

You can access the official website here. You can watch live coverage here.
Meanwhile, a nice video to enjoy.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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