
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sabina Foisor wins the Goddesschess Fighting Chess Award

Hello everybody!

I have been glued to the screen, watching the final of the U.S. Women's Chess Championships, which was just won by Anna Zatonskih in the tie-breaks against Tatev Abrahamyan. It was so interesting, we will make shortly a special post about it with the games.

Before anything else, I'd like to congratulate the
Saint Louis Chess Club for putting up such a prestigious event in such great style, and also all the players for showing such great sportsmanship! The live commentary by GM Maurice Ashley and Jennifer Shahade was wonderful!

Thanks also go to
Goddesschess, who is continuing its effort to support women's chess in the world, and has offered to sponsor a Fighting Chess Award to go to the most deserving player from the U.S. Championship.

I was chosen as the judge for this award, and I had a very hard time, as many players are deserving, starting with the eventual winner, Anna Zatonskih, but also certainly Tatev Abrahamyan who fought to the end, and Irina Krush, who won the initial tournament. However, after looking over most of the games, I saw that Sabina Foisor's style was also uncompromising, and she was the only player to have beaten Irina Krush in the preliminary tournament. I have decided to vote for the Fighting Chess Award to go to Sabina Foisor, congratulations!

Posted by Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk
12th women's world chess champion


  1. Great choice Chess Queen. I would go for your pick too. She really played very attacking chess but for some reason she lost her rhythm. basically i would have voted for her to win the event. :) Next time maybe.

  2. alexis cochran, new zealandApril 29, 2011 at 6:18 AM

    How much work you do Alexandra - tournament then events then judging oh boy... you are one turbo-charged chess queen. See you in Tbilisi. WIN ok.

  3. Wonderful choice Alexandra. Wisely picked.


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