
Monday, March 7, 2011

Grzegorz Gajewski wins Cappelle La Grande 2011 chess tournament

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hello everyone,

Grzegorz Gajewski has won the 2011 edition of Cappelle La Grande. The young Polish GM scored a final round victory, to claim the win in a field of 100 titled player, 57 of which over 2500 ELO, and 12 over 2600 ELO.

Second to fourth place were shared by GM Evgeny Sharapov, IM Alexander Ipatov, and GM Yuri Vovk. A group of 26 players finished half a point behind them, with GM Alojzije Jankovic taking the fifth 5th position on tie-break.

The norm winners: GM norm for Alexander Ipatov and Krystian Kuzmicz, IM norm for Roger Meng and Alan Tate, WGM norm for Veronica Foisor and Petra Papp, WIM norm for Ewa Przezdziecka.

IM Alexander Ipatov scored his second GM norm, after defeating GM Zhigalko, GM Cornette, and drawing with GM Sasikiran and GM Jankovic. He also was the first player U18, confirming his status of the strongest junior in Spain.

The top three players performed over 2700 ELO. The winner Gajewski with 2724, the GM norm winner Ipatov with 2722, and the second Sharapov with 2700.

You can find more details at the official website here and

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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