
Friday, March 18, 2011

Chess video: A friendly chess game veiled debate about nuclear disarmament

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hi everyone,

We would like to thank all our readers for sending us a range of chess-related videos featuring all aspects of life. We've received videos featuring chess in movies, advertisements, club features... you name it. Both professional and amateur videos. In the same series here is a topical video with a chess motif sent to us by @kosteniuk and @chessqueen follower on twitter - @swakilki.

We pray for the world to heal even as Japan grapples with the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear tragedy.
In this video, a friendly game of chess becomes a veiled debate about nuclear disarmament.

Let's all promise to take a vow of peace with chess. Let's all pray for our home - the planet earth.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. Nice post. I see a joint Russian/UK venture will put 2 satelites in the skies to measure changes in the ionosphere before earthquakes happen will be up and running in a few years time. :). Will be interesting. Earthquakes happen in cycles over x years so I think eventually it will get better even if we have to experience a bad period today.

  2. nuclear energy is to be replaced by renewable one. Can someone come up with like hooking up chessboard to some windmill kinda structures so every time a move is made some mechanism comes into motion and some coils are triggered and windmills function and something... dunno... renewable energy. huh. i am kinda loony I know but something could be done.


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