
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chess & Poker: IM Almira Skripchenko runners-up at WPT Celeb Event

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

She knows her mind: Chess & Poker

Hi everyone,

This chess master has become a permanent link between chess and poker. IM Almira Skripchenko is the runners-up in Hand #102 with Davidi Kitai winning the WPT Celebrity Invitational! ($100,000),

Here is how the final calls were played.

Level 30: 60,000-120,000, 20,000 ante
Kitai moves all in, and Skripchenko calls with A2. Kitai turns over Q3, and Skripchenko is a slight favorite to double up here.

The board comes AJ3QK -- Skripchenko flops a pair of aces, but Kitai turns two pair, queens and threes to win the hand -- and the tournament.
These were the final standings

1st: Davidi Kitai - $100,000
2nd: Almira Skripchenko - $50,000
3rd: Dan Heimiller - $20,000
4th: George Rechnitzer - $15,000
5th: Damon Schramm - $10,000
6th: Dinara Khaziyeva - $5,000

You can read more here.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. Interesting lady. Poker huh.

  2. I'm in love with Almira! She can mate my king anytime!


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