
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cento Chess Open 2011 R7-GM Alberto David holds on to lead

Chess blog for latest news and trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2011

Hi everyone,

Despite Grandmaster Elina Danielian despatching all kinds of opponents with good finesse at the Cento Chess Open, GM Alberto David of Luxembourg held her to a draw in the seventh round to stay in the lead. Some other interesting games included GM Alexey Dreev allowing GM Aleksander Delchev to escape with a draw, GM Igor Naumkin beating IM Kenny Solomon and moving to joint second.
Here are the top results of Round 7

  • Danielian Elina - David Alberto ½ - ½
  • Dreev Aleksey - Delchev Aleksander ½ - ½
  • Romanishin Oleg - Salvador Roland ½ - ½
  • Bruno Fabio - Brunello Sabino ½ - ½
  • Naumkin Igor - Solomon Kenny 1 - 0
  • Manca Federico - Mogranzini Roberto ½ - ½
  • Rozentalis Eduardas - Piscopo Pierluigi 1 - 0
  • Caprio Guido - Korneev Oleg 0 - 1
  • De Santis Alessio - Leon Hoyos Manuel 1 - 0
  • Godena Michele - Borgo Giulio ½ - ½
Here are the standings after seven rounds

1. GM David Alberto 2580 - 6.0
2-6. GM Dreev Aleksey 2694, GM Delchev Aleksander 2629, GM Danielian Elina 2454, GM Salvador Roland 2533 and GM Naumkin Igor 2499 - 5.5
7-15. IM Manca Federico 2384, GM Romanishin Oleg M 2534, GM Brunello Sabino 2540, GM Korneev Oleg 2576, IM Mogranzini Roberto 2425, FM De Santis Alessio 2289, IM Collutiis Duilio 2463, IM Bruno Fabio 2436 and GM Rozentalis Eduardas 2588 - 5.0

You can find more information about the tournament at the official website at

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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