
Monday, January 10, 2011

Please Vote for Diary of a Chess Queen for Book of the Year

(Updated January 11, 2011)

NEWS: My book "Diary of a Chess Queen" has been nominated, with your help, to compete in the ChessCafe "Book of the Year" Contest. You can see it in ChessCafe's list of nominated books.

Now I need your help to please vote for it as your favorite chess book (of course if you've read it and like it!), by sending a short email to stating you vote for it and a short reason why (for example great chess games, nice story with lots of photos, emotional account of a chess professional who achieved her goal, etc. it should be your text).

The first 3 will go to the final round, I'll let you know how it goes! See all the links to reviews etc. below.

Thanks and best wishes to all!
Alexandra :-)

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Hello everyone!

Following my post of a couple days ago about the vote for the best Book of the Year 2010, I found out that my book, "Diary of a Chess Queen", which came out officially in the USA during December 2009 and worldwide in January 2010, is eligible to enter the competition!

So if you have read it and like it, please nominate "Diary of a Chess Queen" for ChessCafe Book of the Year! For that all you need to do is email your nomination to and just write that you'd like the book "Diary of a Chess Queen" by Alexandra Kosteniuk to be nominated for a chance to win the Chess Book of the Year 2010. You should give a short reason for nomination, see examples on the Chesscafe Nominations page.

"Diary of a Chess Queen" contains my whole life story, with 64 commented games, but also lots of text (I'd say over 1/3 of the book), and over 100 photographs. I worked on it quite a bit since I got the title of women's world chess champion at the end of 2008, it's the work of my life to date.

If you'd like more information about my book, here are some useful links:

- Book availability on December 9
- January 7 Book Signing in Barnes & Noble
- January 16 Book Signing in Coral Gables
- Announcement of the Book on
- Official Chesscafe rules of the Book of the Year Contest

- Link to purchase my book on my web shop (free personal autograph!)
- Link to purchase my book on
- Link to ALL the reviews on

Here are some reviews from Amazon buyers:

Seth: The structural layout of Alexandra's book very much resembles Tal's classic, "The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal." Kosteniuk's book is, like Tal's work, an autobiography. There is much prose (normally at the beginning of each chapter). She starts at her childhood, and takes the reader right up to (and a bit past!) her 2008 World Championship match. Many game fragments are sprinkled throughout each chapter, as well as a substantial number of full-length, annotated games. Alexandra's writing is easily accessible to players of every skill level, whether they be young, old, beginners or masters. I found that she mixed the number of variations and explanations evenly. Since Alexandra typically plays a slashing, aggressive brand of chess, the games are never boring! Also, the translation (sometimes a problem in chess books) made the English read naturally (shout out to the translator, fellow Michigander Jim Marfia!!). She drops various tips and tricks of the Grandmaster trade along the way. The Women's World Champ clearly invested alot of time and effort into writing this book. I wonder if she'll write another some day?

So to sum up, "Diary of a Chess Queen," is a very interesting read, and you probably won't be disappointed if you purchase it.

Cajunmaster: Alexandra Kosteniuk's autobiography should be of great interest to any chess player, male or female, young or old, experienced or not. This candid and well crafted book is, to chess literature, very much like the breeze of fresh air that Alexandra and many other talented women have let into the stuffy atmosphere of the old chess world in the past decade. There is no turning back, luckily, and this book proves it beyond a doubt. Ms. Kosteniuk, who was the 10th woman in history to be recognized as an overall (i.e., unisex) Grandmaster of the game and is the current World Champion among women, has produced a winner. Her book is both highly entertaining and of great technical interest. This cannot be said of many of the innumerable books written by men, whether it be in the 19th century or today. Very simply, Alexandra Kosteniuk, recognized by the United States Chess Federation as the outstanding chess journalist of the year for 2009, should perhaps be considered by many to be a role model worthy of emulation, something that a host young girls throughout the World already know!

Posted by Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk
12th Women's World Chess Champion
Author of "Diary of a Chess Queen"


  1. Saira Fernando, MadridJanuary 11, 2011 at 1:38 AM

    You got it Chess Queen. We are at it.

  2. All the best Chess Queen. I do love your book.

  3. Alexis Cochran, New ZealandJanuary 11, 2011 at 4:26 AM

    Very informative, educative and entertaining book. All the best Chess Queen.

  4. Hope to see the Diary shortlisted soon. All the other books are by men. Hope the judges keep this in mind. You take care Chess Queen. You rock.

  5. Pedro Pablo Amatima, Venezuela. My voting for you, and i wrote to "My voting for Diary of a Chess Queen by Alexandra Kosteniuk, an exceptional book with a chess queen". Thanks


    "I would like the book" DIARY OF A CHESS QUEEN Alexandra Kosteniuk was nominated for book of the year:

    "First of all is an excellent edition, vocabulary, photographs, shades of colors used and above all that expresses the book's cover, a photograph of the Queen supported (book) by the theoretical concept of research is that chess is a science different from all sports, "a sport supported by research, innovations, new ideas, etc. lines.

    -Each of the items analyzed is enriched with new ideas, with great thoroughness in the handling of more modern lines and also delves into the vast computing power that is provided with Alexandra.

    "It's logical and reasonable that deserved further that" DIARY OF A CHESS QUEEN Alexandra Kosteniuk was elected and book of the year because it represents the genius of being champion and also because it is a model and example for all generations of women chess players world who are starting at the same level with the men's chess, competitive level of hierarchy.

    "It is also seen as the champion shows his level, his strength, his strength in the squares, mastery and the ability to carry items widely advantageous positions for each and every one of these reasons this volume" DIARY OF A CHESS QUEEN "can not miss on any chess club in the world, on every campus where chess is practiced in every institution of education level is elementary that a model in promoting women's chess world level.


    Ariza Boris Osorio

    12622600 cc

    Santa Marta Colombia

    -Me gustaria que el libro “DIARY OF A CHESS QUEEN” de Alexandra kosteniuk fuera nóminado a libro del año por:
    -Primero que todo es una excelente edición, vocabulario, fotografías, los tonos de colores utilizados y sobre todo lo que expresa la portada del libro, la foto de la Reyna respaldada (libro) por el concepto teórico de la investigación que representa que el ajedrez es una ciencia diferente a todos los deportes “un deporte respaldado por los estudios, innovaciones, nuevas ideas, líneas etc.
    -cada una de las partidas analizadas se enriquece con nuevas ideas, con una gran minuciosidad en el manejo de las líneas más modernas y además profundiza en la gran capacidad de calculo de que está dotada Alexandra.
    -Es lógico y razonable además que bien merecido que “DIARY OF A CHESS QUEEN” de Alexandra kosteniuk fuese elegido e libro del año por que representa la genialidad de está campeona y además por que es modelo y ejemplo para todas las generaciones de mujeres ajedrecistas del mundo que incursionan a la par al mismo nivel del ajedrez masculino, a nivel competitivo y de jerarquía.
    -También se aprecia como la campeona muestra su nivel, su fuerza, su poderío en los escaques, su dominio y la capacidad para llevar las partidas a posiciones ampliamente ventajosas, por todas y cada una de estás razones este volumen “DIARY OF A CHESS QUEEN” no puede faltar en ningún club de ajedrez del mundo, en cada universidad donde se practique el ajedrez, en cada institución de nivel educativo por que es elemental como modelo en la promoción del ajedrez mundial a nivel femenino.
    Boris ariza Osorio
    Cc 12622600
    Santa marta Colombia


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