
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Chess : Kasparov, Short to attend special event in St. Louis

Chess news and chess trivia blog (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2010

Hello Everyone,

We are always all ears for absolutely any news about chess legend Gary Kasparov. For fans in St Louis, USA, here are details of a nice event.

Grandmaster Garry Kasparov will give a special lecture and talk at the St Louis Chess Club on Monday, November 29, just one day after the conclusion of the Thanksgiving Open tourney featuring renowned GM Nigel Short and an $11,000 prize fund.

Nigel Short will play a simul and also conduct a special lecture.

Several other titled players you can meet at the Club include Resident GM Ben Finegold, GM Yury Shulman, GM Alex Onischuk, GM Ray Robson, GM Gregory Kaidanov, GM Dmitry Gurevich, GM Timur Gareev, GM Mesgen Amanov, IM Michael Brooks, IM Istvan Sipos, IM Angelo Young, IM Raja Panjwani, WGM Sabina Foisor, WIM Alisa Melekhina.

There are several sections in the Thanksgiving Open so absolutely everyone of any playing strength can participate.

You can find more details at the official website here.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

1 comment:

  1. I love this guy. I am going to be in St Louis. You bet.


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