
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Russian Chess Superfinal Beauty Contest

Hello everyone!

Chesspics is running a photo contest for the recently ended Russian women's chess superfinal, which was won by Alisa Galliamova. The photos are by and © Pufichek.

You can vote for your favorite player or photo by cliking on this link.

Posted on Chess Queen™
Women's World Chess Champion
Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess Blog


  1. Wow what fantastic photos. I have voted but I won't mention here for whom and which photo. What a portfolio. Congratulations.

  2. Sebastian Wolff, New YorkNovember 29, 2010 at 7:34 AM

    Obviously Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk. No second thoughts.

  3. Fantastic photos. Great.

  4. Saira Fernando, MadridNovember 29, 2010 at 7:45 AM

    All of them are beautiful but some of those expressions caught on camera absolutely priceless. Thanks for sharing Chess Queen. I love all your sites - particularly - and tweets from @chessqueen. Just wondering hope the Russian stuff you tweet from @kosteniuk is something that we English readers don't miss out on.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a collection. Am already looking forward to your photo essay from the upcoming World Championship. Real great stuff these photos.

  7. Jane Bentley, LondonNovember 29, 2010 at 8:25 AM

    Galliamova - Warrior, warrior, I go my way
    Kosteniuk - Chess Queen killing softly with her smile
    Paikidze - New kid on the block
    T. Kosintseva - Praise me but I won't let you win
    Pogonina - Don't get taken in by that sweet behaviour
    N. Kosintseva - My sister is only half as dangerous as me
    Shadrina - Let's have fun (who said that means we should draw)
    Bodnaruk - I will sit there and frustrate you till you decide to lose
    Gunina - Can you let me have your pawns please, I am hungry
    Nebolsina - Wine improves with age
    Matveeva - Don't mess with me
    Girya - Having fun with knights (in shining armour)

  8. Alexandra Kosteniuk, Alisa Galliamova, Nazi Paikidze... not necessarily in that order but usually in that order.

  9. Jose Fernandes, MadridNovember 29, 2010 at 9:14 AM

    Kosteniuk, any day.

  10. I would vote for Kosteniuk's smile and chess, Galliamova's eyes, Paikidze's hair and Pogonina's attitude. Though tough to vote.

  11. Alexandra - but only when she is winning and not losing games that she can win with her eyes closed (ref. Kosteniuk-Kosteniuk, Superfinal). Why is it that sometimes Alexandra wants to prove what is the best way to lose? I mean if she loses a game that is lose it makes sense but if she loses a won game... well, I HATE her then. Sometimes it seems she is being too nice to her opponents. Maybe, it's a Chinese thing that I have but otherwise I think AK is the BEST.

  12. Who are those two guys in the middle?

  13. Cool cats who like to check their mates!

  14. Get the odd men out please!

  15. P. Susan, Port of MurmanskNovember 29, 2010 at 10:12 AM

    I would like to vote for Alexandra. You know what when snow comes the Port of Murmansk is frozen for several months. I am convince Alexandra would melt the ice with her warm smile.

  16. @Snow is something I will ever see only in my refrigerator. So I don't know what to think of Chess Queen's smile.

  17. Amrit Puri, Knight Chess Academy, New Delhi, IndiaNovember 29, 2010 at 10:15 AM

    Cool babes, Nice.

  18. Twelve fairies and the men in black. Ha.

  19. Caira Chengshun, Hong KongNovember 29, 2010 at 10:22 AM

    Nazi Paikidze is supposed to be Georgian and maybe would shift to the Russian Federation. But my favourite is Hou Yifan... so I will vote for the beauties only when Yifan shifts to the Russian Federation.

  20. Ok I want Alexandra in Black and Galliamova in White.

  21. Smita Sarin, New DelhiNovember 29, 2010 at 11:24 AM

    Not fair, how come you didn't run a contest for the World Blitz Championship? Carlsen of course dressed the best followed by Kramnik.

  22. So beauty and brains do go together. No dumb blondes here. Impressive line-up.

  23. I repeat how come there are always more people commenting whenever there is a post about women? As if men's chess is uninteresting. let me tell you all - women are no match for men when it comes to chess. None of these women could face up against the top ten men in the world.

  24. Saira Fernando, MadridNovember 29, 2010 at 11:34 AM

    @Anonymous What a stupid comment. No wonder you didn't write your name to that.

  25. The Queen

    La donna è mobile (she sure gets around!)
    And in midst of the battle she'll generally be found.
    Yet her greatest ambition is that brilliant device
    Known to most players as the Queen Sacrifice,
    Which is really not difficult, so I hear tell,
    But whenever I try it my game goes to . . . Well,
    We can't all be Masters, but maybe someday
    I'll have studied and practiced and learned how to play!
    (An excerpt from Chess Poem by C. A. Escoffery) So guys you have my answer.

  26. Biju Thapa, KathmanduNovember 29, 2010 at 11:39 AM

    I will vote for the lady who agrees to come on a date with me. Anyone of them... heh Heh.

  27. This is the most difficult beauty contest to judge anywhere in the world I think. Even difficult than Miss Universe. But then, any of these ladies could make it as Ms Universe, I wonder why they never compete? Maybe, it's an age thing so someone should tell Nazi to try.

  28. 1.Kosteniuk 2.Pogonina 3.Paikidze

  29. 1.Pogonina 2.Paikidze 3.Nadezhda (I don't mention Chess Queen because it's her blog. Ha ha.)

  30. Paikidze. My age. Will she read this...

  31. Chess Queen if she wins the World Title otherwise Paikidze.

  32. Galliamova, Kosteniuk, Olga.

  33. Smita Sarin, New DelhiNovember 30, 2010 at 7:31 AM

    A very difficult contest to hold. I doubt if a choice can be made. But the contest speaks great about how far women of today have come. What a combination of brains and beauty. Something that used to be so rare. The human species is evolving I suppose. Congratulations to Russia as a country for so many beauties who are supersmart too. Sorry I won't for one person alone.

  34. Too bad you can vote only once from one computer.

  35. I think it is amazing what you are doing to promote chess Alexandra. I just read about what Alisa Galliamova has to say and I must congratulate Galliamova and you.

    Алиса Галлямова приветствует все, что делает Александра Костенюк
    Лучшая шахматистка России Алиса Галлямова в интервью высказала, в частности, свое отношение к "околошахматной" деятельности чемпионки мира Александры Костенюк:

    - Она просто молодец. Я приветствую все, что она делает. Она единственная женщина-шахматист, которая так рекламирует шахматы. Хорошо, что она это делает. Та же Полгар могла бы больше сделать для шахмат, а она не рекламирует ни себя, ни шахматы. А Саша сама занимается организацией этих турниров с помощью своего мужа. Это ее личная инициатива, а ей никто практически не помогает. Она мне жаловалась, что два года назад выиграла чемпионат мира, но никакой поддержки не получила. Сейчас сменилось руководство Федерации российской, может, что-то поменяется. ... Саша снялась для мужского журнала? Я очень удивлена. Надо посмотреть. Я считаю, что если хочется сниматься и есть предложения, почему нет? У нас так много красивых шахматисток, я это только поддерживаю. И девчонкам приятно, и мужчинам приятно смотреть, что мы не только умные, но и красивые.

    In English: A rough translation from here:
    Alisa Galliamova welcomes anything that makes Alexandra Kosteniuk
    The best chess player Russian Alisa Galliamova in an interview expressed, in particular its attitude to "okoloshahmatnoy" of the world champion Alexandra Kosteniuk:

    - It is brilliant. I applaud everything she does. It is the only female player, who advertises as chess. Well, what it does. Same Polgar could do more to chess, but it does not advertise himself or chess. And Sasha was very involved in the organization of these tournaments with her husband. This is her personal initiative, and it almost does not help anybody. She complained to me that two years ago won the world championship, but got no support. Now changed its management of the Russian Federation, maybe something will change. ... Sasha shot for men's magazine? I'm surprised. Must see. I believe that if you want to shoot and have suggestions, why not? We have so many beautiful women chess players, I can only endorse. And the girls are nice, and nice to look at the men that we are not only intelligent but also beautiful.

  36. I found this nice stuff said by Galliamova. Yes Indeed I congratulate you Chess Queen for promoting chess in the beautiful way that you have done.

    Алиса Галлямова приветствует все, что делает Александра Костенюк
    Лучшая шахматистка России Алиса Галлямова в интервью высказала, в частности, свое отношение к "околошахматной" деятельности чемпионки мира Александры Костенюк:

    - Она просто молодец. Я приветствую все, что она делает. Она единственная женщина-шахматист, которая так рекламирует шахматы. Хорошо, что она это делает. Та же Полгар могла бы больше сделать для шахмат, а она не рекламирует ни себя, ни шахматы. А Саша сама занимается организацией этих турниров с помощью своего мужа. Это ее личная инициатива, а ей никто практически не помогает. Она мне жаловалась, что два года назад выиграла чемпионат мира, но никакой поддержки не получила. Сейчас сменилось руководство Федерации российской, может, что-то поменяется. ... Саша снялась для мужского журнала? Я очень удивлена. Надо посмотреть. Я считаю, что если хочется сниматься и есть предложения, почему нет? У нас так много красивых шахматисток, я это только поддерживаю. И девчонкам приятно, и мужчинам приятно смотреть, что мы не только умные, но и красивые.

    Alisa Galliamova welcomes anything that makes Alexandra Kosteniuk
    The best chess player Russian Alisa Galliamova in an interview expressed, in particular its attitude to "okoloshahmatnoy" of the world champion Alexandra Kosteniuk:

    - It is brilliant. I applaud everything she does. It is the only female player, who advertises as chess. Well, what it does. Same Polgar could do more to chess, but it does not advertise himself or chess. And Sasha was very involved in the organization of these tournaments with her husband. This is her personal initiative, and it almost does not help anybody. She complained to me that two years ago won the world championship, but got no support. Now changed its management of the Russian Federation, maybe something will change. ... Sasha shot for men's magazine? I'm surprised. Must see. I believe that if you want to shoot and have suggestions, why not? We have so many beautiful women chess players, I can only endorse. And the girls are nice, and nice to look at the men that we are not only intelligent but also beautiful.

  37. Алиса Галлямова приветствует все, что делает Александра Костенюк
    Лучшая шахматистка России Алиса Галлямова в интервью высказала, в частности, свое отношение к "околошахматной" деятельности чемпионки мира Александры Костенюк:

    - Она просто молодец. Я приветствую все, что она делает. Она единственная женщина-шахматист, которая так рекламирует шахматы. Хорошо, что она это делает. Та же Полгар могла бы больше сделать для шахмат, а она не рекламирует ни себя, ни шахматы. А Саша сама занимается организацией этих турниров с помощью своего мужа. Это ее личная инициатива, а ей никто практически не помогает. Она мне жаловалась, что два года назад выиграла чемпионат мира, но никакой поддержки не получила. Сейчас сменилось руководство Федерации российской, может, что-то поменяется. ... Саша снялась для мужского журнала? Я очень удивлена. Надо посмотреть. Я считаю, что если хочется сниматься и есть предложения, почему нет? У нас так много красивых шахматисток, я это только поддерживаю. И девчонкам приятно, и мужчинам приятно смотреть, что мы не только умные, но и красивые.

  38. I congratulate you Chess Queen for promoting chess in the beautiful way you do. I congratulate Alisa Galliamova for her fantastic success by winning the Russian Superfinal for the second time in row. I am proud of Russia and our chess team. (Below my previous quote in Russian.)

    Alisa Galliamova welcomes anything that makes Alexandra Kosteniuk
    The best chess player Russian Alisa Galliamova in an interview expressed, in particular its attitude to "okoloshahmatnoy" of the world champion Alexandra Kosteniuk:

    - It is brilliant. I applaud everything she does. It is the only female player, who advertises as chess. Well, what it does. Same Polgar could do more to chess, but it does not advertise himself or chess. And Sasha was very involved in the organization of these tournaments with her husband. This is her personal initiative, and it almost does not help anybody. She complained to me that two years ago won the world championship, but got no support. Now changed its management of the Russian Federation, maybe something will change. ... Sasha shot for men's magazine? I'm surprised. Must see. I believe that if you want to shoot and have suggestions, why not? We have so many beautiful women chess players, I can only endorse. And the girls are nice, and nice to look at the men that we are not only intelligent but also beautiful.

  39. :) Too many beautiful women don't spoil the broth.

  40. Are you going to run a similar chess photo contest for the World Women's Championship? I cannot wait.


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