
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mexico City to host fantastic chess festival

Chess news and chess trivia blog (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2010

Hi Everyone,

Mexico City is all set to host a fantastic chess festival from November 13-21. In fact, the venue is going to be the largest university in Latin America - the National Autonomous University of Mexico - which is celebrating its centenary.

The chess celebrations will include live shows, concerts, films, exhibitions, workshops, competitions, tributes, multimedia shows and seminars, all related to chess and its many facets and expressions.


Some events will include simuls by the twelfth and thirteenth world chess champions Anatoly Karpov and Gary Kasparov, the Ibero-American Chess Championships 2010, Foursquare Grandmaster Tournament and the First Great International Chess Open 2010 UNAM. The World Champions will also lecture on chess and its life-related aspects.

Special tributes will be paid to Juan Jose Arreola and Bobby Fisher through conferences, seminars, multimedia displays and giant chess shows.

Two seminars will have international experts speaking on the history of chess and the importance of chess in education. An exhibition of the works of 12 artists - focusing on chess - will also open at the venue.

Also, the present Art in check, an area where 12 artists have developed around chess pieces. A special Quadrangular Tournament Elite will feature Veselin Topalov, Vassily Ivanchuk, Judit Polgar and Manuel Leon Hoyos

One of the most attractive exhibitions will be a replica of the Turkish Kempelen, the amazing automaton created in the eighteenth century by Wolfgang von Kempelen, who allegedly was able to think and, of course, to play chess.

We will keep you updated.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

1 comment:

  1. saira fernandes, madridNovember 13, 2010 at 9:50 AM

    Goodbye folks. Am heading to Mexico City.


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