
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kasparov on chess, Carlsen and how business decision-makers can learn from chess

Chess news and chess trivia blog (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2010

Kasparov in Googleplex

Hello Everyone,

When chess legend Gary Kasparov speaks who doesn't listen? has presented a super video of the former world champion in Googleplex studios. Here are these choicest quotes:

  • When asked about the interrupted match in 1984.
He explains, quite poignantly, that in this match Karpov turned into one of his most important teachers, who showed him how one should never give up, that there is hope in any situation, and basically molded him into the chess player and person he is today.

  • In references to Carlsen
I must be very cautious about the use of the terms instructor and student in my relations with Magnus Carlsen. I helped him to learn how to study the game of chess. That was one of the unique things I learnt from Botvinnik. What helped me to work with Magnus was that his chess style and natural talent is different from mine. It is more like Karpov's. He is a very quiet, positional player with a phenomenal ability to recognize positional elements. I am a very sharp and dynamic player, so he could learn how to do other things in chess, so there was extra value added to his chess education. I enjoyed it immensely and I am very happy to see that my work produced such impressive results.

  • On chess lessons for life
Kasparov also spoke on business management and how decision makers can learn from the experience of chess players – since every decision contains components of material, time and quality. Bet you already know about Kasparov's book 'How Life Imitates Chess'.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. I like this guy Gary Kasparov. Real cool interview.

  2. Gary Kasparov has amazing energy. How he packs it all in. Amazing guy. Nice discussion.

  3. You missed on one nice comment he made - why would you like to improve at chess if you don't want to dedicate your life to it. I like this guy. I also like the fact that Carlsen is his pupil. Kasparov did his duty to chess by passing on his knowledge.

  4. Asheema George, New Delhi, IndiaNovember 28, 2010 at 8:08 AM

    I loved reading How Life Imitates Chess. Very insightful and amazing research.


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