
Friday, November 26, 2010

Karpov-Miljkovic Rapid Chess on Dec 3,4 in Nis, Serbia

Chess news and chess trivia blog (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2010

Hi Everyone,

Former world chess champion Anatoly Karpov will take on Miroslav Miljkovic in a rapid chess match on December 3 and 4 in Niš, Serbia. The City of Niš is sponsoring the match that will include four games with a time control of 25 min+10 sec per player and two blitz games with a time control of 5 min+2 sec per player. The games will be broadcast on the internet and TV Bell Amie will cover the match live, according to the news site.

Meanwhile, here is a nice video of Niš. Been there?

Meanwhile, the 12th World Chess Champion will also be the guest of honour at the an international chess tournament being held in memory of Grandmaster Vladas Mikenasa - 2010 being the birth centenary was celebrated this year.

The competition will be tough with players like Maxim Matlakov (2619), Sergei Azarov (2601) and Andrew Zhigalko (2570). You can read more about it at the chess news site

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

1 comment:

  1. Amazing stuff that Karpov and Kasparov do for chess. I seldom see them out of the news.


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