
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Olympic Gold Medal Winners get Honored in Moscow

T. Kosintseva, V. Gunina, N. Kosintseva, A. Kosteniuk
right after getting flowers and iPads gifts

Hi everybody!

As you know the Chess Olympiads in Khanty-Mansiysk just ended 2 days ago, and both teams of Russia got medals (see full rankings of the men and of the women, and see Pufichek's photo album).

Last night we were honored by high government officials, Alexander Zhukov (Russian Deputy Prime Minister), Arkady Dvorkovich (Assistant to the President of Russia) and many more important people. They first read to us a telegram from the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev congratulating the teams, then gave lots of presents to the winning teams!

Women Team Russia-1: GOLD MEDALS:
Kosintseva Tatiana, Kosintseva Nadezhda, Kosteniuk Alexandra, Galliamova Alisa, and Gunina Valentina.

The Gold medal lady winners got top of the line iPads, Nokia phones, and Vaio laptops, while the men got everything except the iPads. We're all very grateful to the Russian Federation who has made it possible for us all to train hard all year long, providing paid trainers and intensive training sessions before the Olympiads, as well as several Grandmaster coaches during the event itself. Without that support, it would have been much harder to make it to the top.

Note in this photo most of the men & women Russian teams, including Kramnik (far right)
and both politicians Arkady Dvorkovich and Alexander Zhukov

Men Team Russia-1: SILVER MEDALS
Kramnik Vladimir, Grischuk Alexander, Svidler Peter, Karjakin Sergey, Malakhov Vladimir.

Women's team coach Yury Dokhoian, Alexandra Kosteniuk, the sisters Kosintseva and Sergey
Karjakin having a good time eating and playing with the new iPads!

Posted by Alexandra Kosteniuk
Reigning Women's World Chess Champion
Owner of the trademark "Chess Queen™"


  1. yooooooooo hoooooo how cool chess queen

  2. Great team effort Alexandra! Congratulations!
    P.D. I love the iPad!

  3. ah ha the coolest girls in town and the sweetie pie chess queen.

  4. saira fernandes, madridOctober 5, 2010 at 5:58 PM

    where is my cake?

  5. where are you headed next chess queen? congratulations to you and your team for such a super show at the Olympiad. Cheers.

  6. Hola.
    Que gusto ver a un equipo tan unido.
    ¡La de oro!
    En la primera foto: Un ramo de bellezas entre ramos de flores.
    La segunda foto: Reluciente.
    En la tercera foto puedo ver a Kramnik que está al final del grupo.
    Por favor, le hubieran dado un poco más de espacio a Kramnik. ¿Cómo es posible que a mi amigo Kramnik lo tengan al final del grupo? Un poco más y no salía en la foto. :)

    ¡Oh! a la señorita Kosintseva le queda muy bien ese polo a rayas, parece una artista del ajedrez y resalta su presencia. Las otras señoritas también están muy elegantes. Cada una tiene su propio estilo.
    Alexandra, estás muy bonita en las fotos.
    Alexandra, en la última foto ¿Qué es lo que te causa sorpresa?
    Hmmm... Ya veo, Sergey se está devorando todas las uvas. Se las está terminando. :)
    Salen muy bien en las fotos.
    ¡Muy bien!
    Saludos desde Latinoamérica.

  7. Congratulations Alexandra, and also the rest of the Russian team

  8. I love how much they enjoyed chess... welldone and bravo!!!

    Kadek in Bali, Indonesia

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  10. I love Alexandra, she represents herself as the real queen of chess, beautiful and talent combined together that's why her chess games blended well...


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