
Monday, October 25, 2010

Nice chess games from 9th Cap d'Agde Chess Meeting

Chess news and chess trivia blog (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 201o

Hello Everyone,

The 9th Cap d'Agde Chess Tournament that began on Saturday includes two groups of eight players competing in a round robin tournament as part of the first stage which will last till Tuesday. After that possible tie-breaks will take place.

Top four finishers in each group will qualify for the knockout finals. The knockout matches will be played from Thursday, October 28th to Sunday, October 31st, 2010.

List of participants:

GM Vasily Ivanchuk (2754) Ukraine
GM Hikaru Nakamura (2733) USA
GM Xiangzhi Bu (2695) China
GM Liem Le Quang (2694) Vietnam
GM Judith Polgar (2682) Hungary
GM Tigran Gharamian (2658) France
GM Romain Edouard (2636) France
GM Jon Ludvig Hammer (2633) Norway
GM Truong Nguyen Ngoc (2633) Vietnam
GM Anatoly Karpov (2619) Russia
GM Yannick Pelletier (2592) Switzerland
GM Tatiana Kosintseva (2573) Russia
WGM Nadezhda Kosintseva (2565) Russia
GM Kateryna Lahno (2539) Ukraine
GM Zhu Chen (2480) Qatar
IM Sophie Milliet (2388) France

Cap d'Agde is one of the largest leisure ports on the French Mediterranean. Development as a tourist resort started in the 1970s before which time the only buildings at the Cap were small houses typically used for weekends by local people.

You can find a lot of information and photos at the official website here. Meanwhile, here is the first set of some nice games from the first stage of the tournament.

You can run the moves in our pgnplayer or watch in flash below. Enjoy!

Judith Polgar

PGN: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5 4. d4 fxe4 5. Nxe5 Nxe5 6. dxe5 c6 7. Be2 Qa5+ 8. Bd2 Qxe5 9. Bc3 Qg5 10. Bh5+ Kd8 11. g3 d5 12. Bd4 Nf6 13. Be2 Bd6 14. c4 Rf8 15. Nc3 Qf5 16. Qd2 Be6 17. O-O-O Ke7 18. Rhf1 Rad8 19. f3 Qg6 20. fxe4 dxe4 21. Qe3 Qh6 22. Qxh6 gxh6 23. Bxa7 Ra8 24. Be3 Ng4 25. Bxg4 Bxg4 26. Rxf8 Rxf8 27. Bxh6 Ra8 28. Re1 Kd7 29. Nxe4 Bb4 30. Bd2 Bxd2+ 31. Kxd2 Bf3 32. Nc5+ Kc7 33. Rf1 Bh5 34. Ne6+ Kd6 35. Nf4 Bg4 36. a3 Ra4 37. h3 Bc8 38. Kc3 b5 39. cxb5 cxb5 40. Rd1+ Kc6 41. Rd4 Ra7 42. Rd5 Bxh3 43. Rh5 Bg4 44. Rh6+ Kc7 45. Rxh7+ Kb6 46. Nd5+ Ka6 47. Rxa7+ Kxa7 48. Nf6 Be6 49. g4 Kb6 50. Kb4 Kc6 51. g5 Bf7 52. Ne4 Bg6 53. Nc3 Bd3 54. b3 Kb6 55. Nd5+ Kc6 56. Nf4 Bh7 57. g6 Bg8 58. Nh5 Kd6 59. Nf6 1-0

Nadezhda Kosintseva

PGN: 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6. Nf3 Nc6 7. Ne2 Qb6 8. c3 f6 9. g3 cxd4 10. Nexd4 Nxd4 11. cxd4 fxe5 12. fxe5 Bb4+ 13. Kf2 Be7 14. Kg2 Nb8 15. Bd3 Nc6 16. Rf1 Bd7 17. Rf2 O-O-O 18. Be3 Rdf8 19. a3 g5 20. g4 h5 21. h3 hxg4 22. hxg4 Rh6 23. b4 Rfh8 24. Qd2 a5 25. b5 Na7 26. a4 Kb8 27. Bxg5 Bxg5 28. Qxg5 Rh3 29. Rc1 Rxf3 30. Rxf3 Qxd4 31. Qg7 Rd8 32. Qe7 Rg8 33. Qd6+ Ka8 34. Rf8+ Rxf8 35. Qxf8+ Nc8 36. Rxc8+ Bxc8 37. Qxc8+ Ka7 38. Be2 Qxe5 39. Qc5+ b6 40. Qe7+ Kb8 41. Bf3 Qb2+ 42. Kh3 Qh8+ 43. Qh4 Qc3 44. Qg3+ Kc8 45. Qf4 Kd7 46. g5 Qh8+ 47. Kg3 Qh7 48. Qc1 Kd6 49. Qc6+ Ke5 50. Qxb6 Kf5 51. Qe3 Qc7+ 52. Kg2 Qd8 53. Be2 e5 54. Qf3+ Kxg5 55. Qh5+ Kf4 56. Qg4+ Ke3 57. Qf3+ Kd2 58. Qd3+ Kc1 59. Qc3+ Kb1 60. Qxe5 d4 61. Bd3+ Kb2 62. Qe2+ Ka3 63. Bf5 Kxa4 64. Qc4+ Ka3 65. Qc5+ Kb2 66. Qc2+ Ka3 67. Qc5+ Kb2 68. b6 Qg5+ 69. Kf3 Qe3+ 70. Kg4 Qe2+ 71. Kg5 Qd2+ 72. Kg6 a4 73. Qb5+ Ka3 74. b7 Qg2+ 75. Kf6 Qh2 76. b8=Q Qh6+ 77. Bg6 Qh4+ 78. Kf7 1-0

Hikaru Nakamura

PGN: 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 O-O 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. Qxc3 d6 7. g3 e5 8. Bg2 Qe7 9. dxe5 dxe5 10. b4 a5 11. Bb2 Re8 12. b5 Nbd7 13. Nf3 Nb6 14. Qxe5 Be6 15. Nd2 Nxc4 16. Nxc4 Bxc4 17. Qxe7 Rxe7 18. e3 Ne4 19. Rc1 Bxb5 20. Bxe4 Rxe4 21. Rxc7 Bc6 22. O-O Rd8 23. Bd4 h5 24. h4 Rd5 25. Rb1 Rf5 26. Kf1 Re8 27. Ke2 f6 28. Rc1 Rd5 29. Kd3 Rb5 30. a4 Rb3+ 31. Rc3 Be4+ 32. Ke2 Rb2+ 33. Ke1 Ra2 34. R3c4 Bf3 35. R7c5 Ra8 36. Rf5 Bg4 37. Rfc5 Be6 38. Rc1 Rxa4 39. Rxh5 Rb4 40. Rhc5 a4 41. h5 a3 42. h6 a2 43. Rc7 Rxd4 44. Rxg7+ Kh8 45. exd4 a1=Q 46. Rxa1 Rxa1+ 47. Kd2 b5 48. Rg6 Ra2+ 49. Ke3 Ra3+ 50. Ke4 Ra6 51. d5 Bg8 52. Rg7 Rd6 53. Kf5 Bh7+ 54. Kf4 Rxd5 55. g4 Rd4+ 56. Kg3 Rd3+ 57. Kf4 Bg8 58. g5 fxg5+ 59. Kxg5 Rd5+ 60. Kg6 Rd6+ 61. Kg5 Rb6 62. f4 b4 63. f5 b3 64. f6 b2 0-1

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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