
Monday, September 20, 2010

Magic Move: Can you find it?

Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess News & Trivia (c) 2010

Hello Everyone,

There are two kinds of magic moves - One that make you win a game when you're on the verge of losing and one that gives you a win out of the blue when nothing apparently seems to be happening.

Here is a magic move of the second kind. This game was played in a simul and Black is doing just fine against the 13th World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov.

White can go on playing the game but there is a magic move that promises a sure win. Can you find it?

We will give you the answer tomorrow - for a change - and not immediately! So, take your time to think.

If you are looking for great puzzles in flash and mp4 do check out also.

Kasparov-Netzer, Simultaneous display 1998


  1. Found it ... in about 5 minutes.
    TY - Yea know your Puzzles really do seem to be helping. BB.

  2. i am not sure but it looks like some kind of a queen trapping move. damn i cannot wait for 24 hours for the answer. ohhhhhhhhh

  3. I just realized your at the Olympiad - Best of Luck, and please dont waste precious preparation time on us here; We all want you to do well! Brightest Blessings, BB.


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