
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Magic Move answers to yesterday's chess puzzle

Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess News & Trivia (c) 2010

Hello Everyone,

We had given you this chess position yesterday that Kasparov had played in a simul. Black seemed to be doing pretty okay against him but then Kasparov came up with the Magic Move to finish the game!

Did you spot the magic move?

Kasparov-Netzer, Simul, 1996

Of course 1. Rc6! Qe5 (if 1... bc6 2. Bc6+ Qc6 3. Qc6 mate) 2. Ra6! threatening 3. Ra7+ and mates and if 2. ... ba6 3. Bc6 mates!

And, here is a nice video of another Kasparov simul in which he also talks about the price he paid for entering the adult world too soon!

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. dear alexandra. thanks for the answer. but i felt that waiting overnight for the puzzle answer was too long for a chess lunatic like me. please, please dont' make me cry. your blog is superb but i cant wait for answers to puzzles.
    Julio Hebes

  2. Lovely Clip,
    I could not help but wonder if you shared some of the Champions Feelings, I know you too began your carreer quite young, indeed that one still of you very young sitting up so straight at your board, thats very precious. And the Image of the Champion taking a long pause at the game of the young man, that was very nice.

    Julio: Chessbase Light is Free, and the Analysis Module will solve 99% of Puzzles in Seconds; but dont use it till your sure of your own solutions. BTW if you can get a copy of CBLight 3, its very old, but you can save games with that one, its one one I still use. BB.

  3. Saira Fernando, MadridSeptember 22, 2010 at 9:13 AM

    there's not much fun in solving chess with computers. i am happy to wait for answers from the Chess Queen but yes maybe waiting overnight is a bit long. Specially for someone as impatient as me!


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