
Friday, September 10, 2010

Kasparov plays special 'consultation' chess game in London

Gary Kasparov
Find more great photos of the champion at

Hello Everyone,

It is always so thrilling to see the thirteenth world chess champion play a game - before retirement or after retirement.

Therefore, it was delightful to see him play this 'consultation chess game' in London this week which we found here. It's not exactly a consultation game though it's been called that ways.

Nigel Short and Rajko Vujatovic teamed up to play Gary Kasparov and Jon Crumiller's team in London as part of the Staunton Memorial 2010 on September 8, 2010. It was a Sicilian of course!

Here is the nice game. Just remember that Rajko played a move, then Jon played, after which Short played the next move and then Kasparov played his move and back again to Rajko the order of moves continued. So, every fourth move is Kasparov's move... including the 28. ...Kh8!

The team members did not discuss!

You can run the moves in our pgnplayer or watch the game in flash below.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. Kaspárov

    The greatest chess player of all time!

    ¡El ajedrecista más grande de todos los tiempos!
    El mundo cambiará de rostro, pero el Campeón permanecerá en la memoria.
    Has sido un campeón Nº 1 por tantos años, eres un campeón y lo serás por siempre.

    Garry Kaspárov,
    ¡Latinoamérica no te olvida!
    ¡Latinoamérica te admira!

  2. Kh8!!!!!! ... beautifull move, preparing for what came next: Qd5+, Qxa5, Qh5, Qxd1, and defending the check on e6 ... What a pity that Kasparov departed from the tournament.


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