
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

GM Timoshenko wins chess tournament in Nepal

Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess News & Trivia (c) 2010

GM Georgy Timoshenko

Hello Everyone,

It's great to know when chess makes a beginning in a country. Nepal is one such country. Of course they've had chess before but big tournaments have just begun in the country known as the Himalyan Kingdom once. It is now a democracy.

Top seed Ukrainian Grandmaster Georgy Timoshenko won the First Himalayan Grand Masters International Chess Tournament recently.

Timoshenko, who had just a 0.5 lead over the rest of the field before the final round decided to draw with Indian International Master (IM) Atanu Lahiri to finish on seven points, and win the tournament.

The 44-year old GM remained unbeaten during the tournament. “I felt really great when I landed here for the first time almost two weeks back and winning the title was a great moment for me. I wish to come back here again,” said the winner.

Slovenian GM Georg Mohr earned 6.5 points after tying with Indian IM MR Venkatesh in the final round to finish second. Mohr bettered GM Marat Dzhumaev of Uzbekistan on Buchholz system after they were tied on points. Dzhumaev defeated Saidali Iuldachev in the final round — a real upset for the second seed of the tournament who ended up ninth in the standings.

You can find more details here though we couldn't locate any of the games.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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