
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chess puzzles: Three studies with Rook endgames

Hello Everyone,

It's been some time since we looked at interesting Rook endgames. How about three puzzles tonight - all with Rooks? Here goes.

The solutions can be seen in the flashplayer but think some time before running the answers. Maybe, you can look for an idea in each of the puzzles before you work out actual moves.

Think about the position of the Black King and what space it has for moving around. Then, check the position of the Black Rooks. Finally, think about how you can move the White Rooks in combination with their King to make the best of the situation.

H. Rinck, La Strategie, 1921
White to play and win

H. Rinck, Tribune de Geneve, 1925
Puzzle II
First variation
White to play and win

Puzzle II
Second variation
White to play and win

H. Rinck, La Strategie, 1921
Puzzle III
White to play and win

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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