
Friday, September 10, 2010

Bent Larsen dies at 75

Bent Larsen photographed in January 2010 by Peter Heine Nielsen.

Hello Everyone,

It is sad news that the great chess player Bent Larsen is no more. He passed away You can read the full press release issued by the Danish Chess Federation here.

Danish Chess Union President Lars-Henrik Bech Hansen said:
"Bent Larsen was in a class of his own and a model for an entire generation of chess masters around the world. While he was on top, he won tournaments in front of the world elite, including seven world champions. In his time, he was the only Western challenger against the Soviet chess domination. His importance to chess in Denmark as a chess player and inspiration is unsurpassed, and his achievements and chess games will forever be etched in Danish and international chess history."

On the occasion of Bent Larsen's 75th birthday, the Danish Chess Union published a special issue of 'Chess' magazine which can be downloaded here. In case the link doesn't work you can access it from the Federation's main link.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

1 comment:

  1. That is so sad to know,
    I was 12 at the time of the Fischer/Spassky Match so Brent was an important player in those days; it seemed he always showed up in someone elses collection of Greatest Games. He was brillant, creative, not afraid to tryout ideas at the board, thus demanded the most of his rivals.

    So glad you included that photo, he looks happy and well and thats how I will remember him myself. Blessings, BB.


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