
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Chess Puzzle: Learn from Smyslov

Hello Everybody,

Back to the study table. Here is a nice middlegame position. Study it for a few minutes and think which of the following answers would be the best. The position appears to be balanced for both sides but can White figure out some weaknesses in his opponent's battlefield?

This position is from Smyslov-Sanguinetti, Mar del Plata, 1962.

Which one of the following answers do you think is the best?
  • There are no weaknesses in Black's armour so White better concentrate on improving his pieces - particularly that Knight sitting on the rim on a4. How about Nb2 hoping to jump to e5 via c4 or d3?
  • Let's get the fireworks going and Nc3 is screaming to be played. White cannot give the Black Queen time to escape from the pin on the d-file. White doesn't mind giving two Rooks for the Black Queen.
  • f4 is the right approach as it would help find a nice control over the e6 square and also help take advantage of the weakened g6 and h6 pawns.
  • Let's get simple here. Why not simply move the Qh4 to attack the h6 pawn and at the same time clear the d-file so that the Rook pin on the Black Knight gets more powerful.
The solution is in the puzzle flashplayer. But don't run it till you think a little while.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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