
Monday, July 19, 2010

U.S. Junior Chess Championship: Robson in lead by half a point in penultimate round

GM Ray Robson played FM Darwin Yang
to a draw to maintain his half-point lead.

Hi Everybody!

Defending champion GM Ray Robson is leading just by half a point after Round 8 at the U.S. Junior Closed Championship being held in St. Louis. Only one more round is to be played. Close on his heels is NM Parker Zhao who led for several rounds before Conrad Holt disturbed his rhythm.

IM Sam Shankland and FM Darwin Yang are tied at 5.0 for the third place. Crucial ties are up in the last and ninth round to be played.

Results after Round 8

1. GM Ray Robson-FM Darwin Yang ½-½
2. NM Eric Rosen-NM Tyler Hughes 1-0
3. FM Steven Zierk-IM Sam Shankland ½-½
4. FM Conrad Holt-FM John Bryant 0-1
5. NM Parker Zhao-FM Warren Harper 1-0

Standings after Round 8
1. GM Ray Robson 6.0
2. NM Parker Zhao 5.5
3. IM Sam Shankland 5.0
4. FM Darwin Yang 5.0
5. FM John Bryant 4.0
6. NM Eric Rosen 4.0
7. FM Steven Zierk 3.5
8. FM Conrad Holt 3.0
9. FM Warren Harper 3.0
10. NM Tyler Hughes 1.0

Pairings for Round 9
1. FM Warren Harper 3.0 2388 - GM Ray Robson 6.0 2613
2. FM John Bryant 4.0 2487 - NM Parker Zhao 5.5 2382
3. IM Sam Shankland 5.0 2563 - FM Conrad Holt 3.0 2411
4. NM Tyler Hughes 1.0 2386 - FM Steven Zierk 3.5 2428
5. FM Darwin Yang 5.0 2422 - NM Eric Rosen 4.0 2209

You can also check the official website for videos and photos. Meanwhile, here is the interesting Parker Zhao-FM Warren Harper game from Round 8. You can run it in our pgnplayer or watch in flash below.

PGN: 1. e4 e6 2. d3 d5 3. Qe2 Nf6 4. Nf3 c5 5. g3 Nc6 6. Bg2 Be7 7. O-O b5 8. Re1 O-O 9. e5 Nd7 10. h4 a5 11. Bf4 b4 12. Nbd2 Ba6 13. c4 bxc3 14. bxc3 a4 15. a3 c4 16. d4 Qa5 17. Rec1 Rfb8 18. Ra2 Rb3 19. Nb1 Rab8 20. Qc2 Na7 21. Ng5 Nf8 22. Nf3 Nb5 23. Bg5 Qc7 24. Bxe7 Qxe7 25. Nfd2 Nxa3 26. Nxa3 Rxa3 27. Rca1 Rxa2 28. Qxa2 Bb5 29. Rb1 Nd7 30. f4 g6 31. Bf3 Rb6 32. Kf2 Nb8 33. Bd1 Qa7 34. Qa3 Bc6 35. h5 Rxb1 36. Nxb1 gxh5 37. Bxh5 Qb7 38. Nd2 Be8 39. Bd1 Qd7 40. Nf3 Na6 41. Nh2 Qc7 42. Ng4 Bc6 43. Bc2 Kg7 44. Nf6 h6 45. g4 Qd8 46. Kg3 Nc7 47. Qc5 Bb5 48. Kf3 a3 49. Qxa3 Ne8 50. g5 hxg5 51. fxg5 Bd7 52. Qa1 Bc6 53. Qh1 Kf8 54. Qh8+ Ke7 55. g6 Qa5 56. Ng8+ Kd7 57. gxf7 Qxc3+ 58. Kg4 Qxd4+ 59. Kh5 Qf4 60. Nf6+ Nxf6+ 61. Qxf6 Qh2+ 62. Kg5 Qd2+ 63. Kg6 Qxc2+ 64. Kg7 Qg2+ 65. Qg6 Qe2 66. Qg5 1-0

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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