
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chess endgame: Did you get the key?

Hi Everyone!

Here is the puzzle we put before you some days back. The question was which Black move is better - NxNd4 or Nc5? Which do you think is the best attempt for Black at winning the game?

With 1. ... Nc5 White simply plays 2. Ne2 and Black cannot make any progress!

You can run the flashplayer below to check your answer!

Furman-Zhukhovitsky, Leningrad, 1969, 0-1


If at move 3. White tries 3. fxg5 then 3. ... Kxg5 4. Kc4 f4 0-1 because Black Queens first and can then handle the White King with checks for a winning endgame.

Hope you enjoyed this endgame study.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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