
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Can you recognize this chess player?

Can you recognize this chess player? And, where was this photo taken?

This person has played chess for 50 cents a game at Sixth Avenue, New York, during hard times. He later started playing chess for a dollar a game at an arcade.

---------------- Another hint -------------------

If you still cannot guess then we must tell you that he was also on the cover of Chess Review magazine once and was doing very well in another industry before the Depression of 1929!

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca.

  2. Rick Blaine AKA Humphrey Bogart.

  3. It is from the movie Casablanca. But my guess is it was filmed in a Hollywood, Ca studio.

  4. It's definitely Humphrey Bogart but I am not sure if the photo is from a scene in the film or real life.


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