
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

16-year old GM Wesley So wins Philippines Chess Tourney

Philippines hat-trick: So sweet a victory for So!

We read today on the web that in the latter half of May, 16-year-old GM Wesley So decided to go to TagayTay City, 55 km from Manila, the capital city of Philippines. Twelve days later when the calendar flipped to June 2, So returned home with the National 2010 Phoenix Petroleum ‘Battle of GMs' National Chess Championships of Philippines! Congratulations!

Needless to add, So won the title for the third year in a row with 8.5 points to GM Gomez John Paul's 7.5. So beat GM-candidate Ronald Dableo in a Larsen opening that lasted 20 moves taking home P200,000. GM John Paul Gomez drew with IM Richard Bitoon in a French defense game to stay runners-up. The two were followed by GM Rogelio Antonio, Jr. and IM Julio Catalino Sadorra. Sadorra also got his second GM norm.

Not bad for So considering he's only 16! He has a great chess future ahead of him!

Final Standings

Men’s Division: 8.5 points —W. So; 7.5—J. Gomez; 7.0—R. Antonio, Sadorra 6.0—D. Laylo; 5.0—Nolte; 4.0—R. Bitoon, Dableo; 3.5—H. Pascua; 2.5—O. Dimakiling; 1.0—J. Garcia
Women’s Division: 8.5 points—R. Jose; 8.0—C. Camacho; 7.5—C. Perena; 7.0 —B. Mendoza 6.0—J. Docena; 5.5—C. Bernales, C. Mejia; 4.5 — S. Cua; 4.0 —A. Salvador; 3.5 —M. Suede; 3.0—J. Palomo; A. Sued

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's

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