
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Paris 2010 French Blitz Championship

Dear friends,

As you all know last night I gave a chess simul in Oslo, Norway. Well I could not miss playing in a blitz tournament, so I got up at 4 AM, took the first flight Oslo - Paris, and played today in the French Blitz Championship!

I will write a little more later, but let me tell you my result was not so bad, 9.5 out of 13, and I ended up in 8th place, with a performance of 2598. I finished with a very nice win against GM Vaisser, here it is:

I hope you liked the moves 26. Nxe6 and 27. Bb6 :-) At the end when Anatoly resigned I can play 29.Bxg6 and due to the threat of mate on f7, Black has to play Bd5 or Be8 but that loses his Queen on b6.

Posted by Alexandra Kosteniuk

Women's World Chess Champion


  1. Nice moves indeed 26. Nxe6 and 27. Bb6 : but the move that was astonishing me,with a good way,was the marvellous 21.g5!!

  2. I cant believe 20)...Bc6?(??), g5 took care of that nicely. 23) Ne6 was was screaming as the defender just went to c6. 25) Qe5 is tough to find in blitz I guess. 27) .. Qb6 might have been enough to hold, but at that point the clocks are getting down and black is under a lot of pressure. What a great blood thirsty blitz game!!

  3. Really great game

  4. She knows how beautiful this game was... But the real beauty is in how she can see, even if by intuition, the moves that followed, until his opponent giving up! Congrats Alexandra! I love you... as a fan!


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