Izvestia Chess Puzzle Contest

Photo courtesy: Vladimir Suvorov "Izvestia"
Hello everybody!
I just got back from my St. Valentine's 5k run which I completed in 22:38, taking third place in my age group (26-29) and 7th overall woman.
To celebrate St. Valentine's Day I invite you to solve the following 6 puzzles which are the Puzzle Contest of one of the biggest Russian Daily Newspaper "Izvestia". This competition started on January 12 and consists of 3 rounds of 2 puzzles each. Right now is the final tour so you still have a chance to send the solutions of the two last puzzles till tomorrow to sport@izvestia.ru or by post to Russia, Moscow, 127 994, Tverskaia St., 18-1 mark "Chess Competition" on your envelope, but email will arrive faster for sure :-) For those of you who know Russian, here are the 3 links to the articles of this competition: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3. You will be able to find the solutions to the first 4 puzzles in these articles.
Above 1. Ruhlis, 1968. White to start and checkmate in 2 moves
Above 2. Zepler, 1930 White to move and checkmate in 3 moves
Above 3. Khavel, 1912. White to move and checkmate in 3 moves
Above 4. Vladimirov, 2005. White to move and checkmate in 4.
Above 5. Kosteniuk, 2009. White to move and make a draw.
Above 6. White to move and win.
I hope you will enjoy solving those puzzles. I will post the solutions to all puzzles before the end of February.
Posted by: Alexandra Kosteniuk
Women's World Chess Champion
At February 14, 2010 at 2:43 PM ,
R7-Android Super 17 said...
and the Valentine photos from the Queen for her fans????
At February 15, 2010 at 3:02 AM ,
Glenn said...
26? Wow time goes by fast. Well, congratulations on your run.
At February 15, 2010 at 5:23 PM ,
Ezekial1 said...
The last one was easy. A nasty skewer...
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