
Monday, February 15, 2010

Chess TV Episode 284

Hello everyone!

I'd like to share with you episode 284 of CHESS TV, which talks about:
• Extreme Chess
• Accelerated Dragon opening
• my game against Judit Polgar
• Caissa FIDE Award
• Aruna Anand inspection report
• Other Chess news

Posted by Alexandra Kosteniuk
Women's World Chess Champion


  1. Great! The next time I play on the roller coaster, I can move my piece and blame it on the ride? ;-) LOL!

  2. I like those Chess TV episodes, I have subscribed to their feed. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Nice endgame against Judit.
    To end a game like that !

  4. ChessTV rules.

    great stuff I like it

    I like the host presenter girl on right of the screen, the girl on red shirt, so pretty, who is she?

    As for the show itself, wow how those guys can play chess on that boat? that extreme you know.

    As for Alexandra vs Polgar game, wow, awesome, few moves before the end I knew Alexandra will get to crown that pawn. and I like the Slow Motion effect on the ending.

    Congratulations just few women in the world have beaten the great Polgar.

    To go directly to Alexandra game just go to 11:00 minute of the video.

  5. Oh, the accelerated dragon! I've recently taken up this, usually with 2...g6.

    In a recent tournament, I tried the 7...Ng4 line against the maroczy. My opponent played 8. Nxc6 and we had a big swap off. By move 11 we were virtually in an endgame (2 rooks and a light squared bishop each), but his queen side pawns were bad (c2,c3,a2).

    I eventually won the endgame :)


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