
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Trivia Guess where I am and win a prize

Dear friends & chess fans,

This photo was taken yesterday, next to a Christmas tree and snow on my head - be the first to guess exactly where I am and send me an email about it, and you might be the winner of an autographed gift!

Good luck!

Posted by Alexandra Kosteniuk
Women's World Chess Champion


  1. I know where you are, close to my heart. ZZ0

  2. Hello everybody!

    I got lots of correct answers by email, as well as many incorrect ones. Many people thought I was some place in Moscow, but in fact I was still in Miami, more precisely in the Dolphin Mall (you can read the letters "Dolphin" behind me).

    And the winner - first person who answered correctly is... David Hunt! Congratulations and thanks to all for participating.

    Alexandra Kosteniuk
    Women's World Chess Champion

  3. You are a lot of fun, Alexandra! Thank you for doing so much in promoting chess, especially with children. Best of luck in Moscow. I know you will do well. David Hunt

  4. środa, 18 listopada 2009
    W wojnie płuci remis 1:1 ze wskazaniem dla pań

    W niezmiernie prestiżowym pojedynku mistrz świata mężczyzn kontra mistrzyni świata kobiet padł wynik remisowy. W pierwszej partii Wiszi Anand pokonał Aleksandrę Kosteniuk, ale w drugiej dosłownie został zmieciony z szachownicy. W szachowej walce płuci remis, choć to panie są w natarciu. Oto partia pod tytułem "Kobieta mnie bije..."

    Wiszi Anand - Aleksandra Kosteniuk

    Mistrzostwa świata w blitza 2009

    Moskwa 17.11.2009

    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 dxc4 5. e4 Bb4 6. Bg5 c5 7. e5 cxd4 8. Qa4+ Nc6 9. O-O-O Bd7 10. Ne4 Be7 11. exf6 gxf6 12. Bh4 e5 13. Bxc4 a6 14. Qb3 Na5 15. Bxf7+ Kf8 16. Qd3 Bb5 17. Qd2 Kxf7 18. Qh6 Qc8+ 19. Kb1 Qf5 20. Rhe1 Bc6 21. Ka1 Bxe4 22. Nxd4 exd4 23. Rxd4 Rad8 24. Ra4 Nc6 25. g4 Qxg4 26. f3 Qg6 27. Qf4 Bc2 28. Rc4 Bd3 29. Rcc1 Rhe8 30. Qc7 Ne5 31. Qxb7 Rd7 32. Qb3+ Kf8 33. Bg3 Qf7 34. Qa4 Bb5 35. Qe4 Nd3 36. Rg1 Bc5 37. Qh4 Bxg1 38. Rxg1 Ne5 39. Bf4 Ng6 40. Bh6+ Kg8 41. Qb4 Red8 0-1


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