
Monday, November 2, 2009

Telegram from President Medvedev

Hi all!

I just want to share with you the nice telegram that came from Russian President Medvedev congratulating the Russian women's team (Alexandra Kosteniuk, Nadezhda and Tatiana Kosintseva, Valentina Gunina and Marina Romanko) for our Gold medal at the recent Novi Sad European Team Chess Championship.

The original news is on the Kremlin web site and the telegram is here.

By itself it does not seem to be such a big deal, but in fact I think it's great that somebody as important as a country president values the results of their chess team. If all the countries did the same (and also supported their teams with some budgets for training and for traveling to important competitions), I think chess would be even more popular than it is now.

Posted by Alexandra Kosteniuk
Women's World Chess Champion


  1. красиво, когда сам приезидент поздравляет! Девушки, Вы дастойны этого!

  2. Congratulations!

    I hope one day the U.S. President will congratulate an American player for getting a great chess result in the same way the Russian president congratulates you.


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