
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lukhovitsy - the Cucumber Capital of Russia

Hello everybody!

Yesterday I had a chance to visit the town of Lukhovitsy which is located about 130 km south-east from Moscow. Lukhovitsy is not only known for its aviation factory which produces MIG airplanes but it is also famous for producing cucumbers. In fact, there is a monument and a museum that are dedicated to cucumbers! On the photo above you can see me next to the cucumber monument and below is a photo of me in the cucumber museum.

Of course I was able to try these famous cucumbers. I must say they are delicious.

However my main reason to visit Lukhovitsy was to open a blitz chess tournament that was dedicated to the 1st of September - the Knowledge Day in Russia. I was very touched when during the opening ceremony one master from Lukhovitsy - Viktor Levochkin presented me a chess puzzle that he dedicated to me since all the pieces in the starting position are forming the K-letter, the first letter of my last name. Here it is:

White to play and checkmate in 4 moves.

Tomorrow I will try to do my best in the Moscow Blitz Championship. I played in the Moscow Blitz Championship twice in 2005 and in 2006. If you are in Moscow you can pass by anytime from noon till 6pm and enjoy the tournament. The tournament will take place in the park of Art "Muzeon" on Krymsky Val, 10. You can also follow this tournament on Twitter.

Posted by: Alexandra Kosteniuk
Women's World Chess Champion

1 comment:

  1. Looks like 1.Rc1 Kb5 2.a4+ Kxa4 3.Ra1! Kb5 4.a4 mate. Pretty!


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