
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Women's Chess Brilliance

By popular demand I will regularly post brilliant chess moves by top women champions.

I will start with the first women's world champion, Vera Menchik.

The position you can see above is from the game Menchik - Vega, 1939.

White plays and wins. Please think about this position for awhile, then post the solution in the comments below.

Good luck!

The color of this chessboard are © where you can copy and paste any pgn moves and see the game on the board automatically.

Posted by Alexandra Kosteniuk
Women's World Chess Champion


  1. 1. Ng6 then if 1...fxg6 2. Qxe6+ wins the Knight on d5.

  2. I like Rd3 but i haven't gotten it worked out yet.



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