
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Welcome to my new Women's Chess Blog!

Dear Chess Friends!

I'm very pleased to announce the opening of my new WOMEN'S CHESS BLOG, which purpose is to show the world that chess is the coolest of all games and especially to promote women's chess, proving my motto that "Intelligence and Beauty go well together!".

There are so many web sites but not a single one that focuses exclusively on women's chess and keeps their readers up-to-date with what's happening in the world of the most intellectual women :) That's why I decided to close this gap, especially since in March 2009, I was appointed by FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov as Co-Chairman of the FIDE Women's Commission.

I've been always active in promoting chess in the world. But now as never before I feel it's my duty to promote women's chess in the world. I believe that women's chess has an incredible potential, what can be more attractive than beautiful women playing chess?

I ask all women chess players, organizers of women's tournaments, as well as everybody who cares about women's chess and chess in general, feel free to write me emails, post your comments and together we will be able to improve the situation in women's chess.

The name of this blog is the simplest a chess blog should have and one you shall not forget, simply "CHESSBLOG.COM".

I will also publish chess material that may be helpful to you, discuss important issues that relate to the chess world and answer your questions. I will also let you know what I'm doing for chess and share my thoughts with you. I hope it will be interesting to you all, and that you will participate in it actively by writing comments and sending me emails. Send me success stories about women's chess and I will post them when possible. I want the world to hear about women's chess much more!

I will keep the blog free of copy and paste of irrelevant non-chess news pieces, and will concentrate on what I judge most important, especially for women's chess. Once in awhile I will give you chess positions to look at and give you tips on how to improve at chess.

I will strive to always keep this blog's tone positive and as educational as possible, adapted to chess lovers of all ages.

No attacks of any kind will be permitted, criticisms are of course allowed as long as they are constructive and lead to improvement. This chess blog will be different from others in which it will show the positive side of chess and will strive to bring kindness, beauty and improvements to the wonderful world of chess we all so love!

Best chess wishes to you!

And remember... chess is cool!
Alexandra Kosteniuk
Women's World Chess Champion


  1. Congratulations Alexandra way to go!

  2. awesome! I'm excited you're doing this!
    Elizabeth Vicary

  3. Giorgio FumagalliMay 7, 2009 at 5:28 AM

    Speaking about Chess even throughout a blog will help people to come in contact with this wonderful game.
    If the person speaking is the Chess Queen, it will even be more enjoyable!
    Thank you for what you do.

  4. bravo...bravo....

  5. This is what women chess need, positive influence. My son look up to you as a champion, and I thank you for what you give to him with chess.

  6. Hello Alexandra,

    I have been reporting on women's chess since 2001 - first at a website called Chess Goddesses (2001-2004, no longer online), and currently at Chess Femme News as part of the Goddesschess website ( and at the Goddesschess blog ( I am sorry you were unaware of these sources for women's chess news. Susan Polgar's blog also extensively reports on women's events, as does Elizabeth Vicary, although not "exclusively." I also wrote a monthly column on women's chess for a year at

    The more the merrier! Women chess players and women's chess events deserve more coverage and reporting. I'm glad to see you have taken up the cause too.

    Jan Newton

  7. Dear Jan,

    Thanks for your comment, you are absolutely right! The work you and others do to talk about women's chess is wonderful and I commend you all for a great job.

    With your help, we'd like to try to bring women's chess to a new level, we're on the right track, but there is still much to do.

    Feel free to write or call, I will also gladly support your projects relating to women's chess.

    Best chess wishes to you,
    Alexandra :-)

  8. Very nice blog, I will visit often, keep it up!

    Please post interviews with many women champions and have chess games presented otherwise the blog will be boring.

  9. Здравствуйте, уважаемая Александра!

    Поздравляю Вас с замечательной идеей в деле развития женских шахмат!
    Как детский шахматный тренер мне эта тема очень волнует, так как я вижу, что в этом направлении делается недостаточно. Кто же, если не мы! Успехов Вам! Буду с радостью сотрудничать с Вами в деле развития девичьих и женских шахмат!
    Ждите скоро мой материла о 10-летней замечательной шахматистке нашей шахматной академии "Шах и Гарде" - Анне Сагадиевой, которая на днях стала чемпионкой Эстонии U12 и настолько влюблена в шахматы и так усердно тренируется, что просто поразительно! А ведь именно такие фанатично влюбленные в шахматы шахматистки в дальнейшем становятся чемпионами мира и за ними идут тысячи!

    С уважением,
    Григор Айрапетян
    (Таллинн, Эстония)

  10. Dear Alex,

    I like the positive approach taken by this blog, It's also good you're focused only on one thing - women's chess, that's the only way to do it well.

    There is so much information overload in the world, that it's good to have such blogs that give us exactly what we want. I have added this site to my daughter's allowed bookmarks on her PC.

    Just one thing - please post (not too hard) chess positions and games once in awhile so she can train her brains a little).

    You fan, Johnny T.

  11. How can you manage to do so much for chess?

    Go there and improve FIDE! They need all the help they can get.

  12. Finally someone who gets active!
    Thanks Sasha, we need that support!

    Elisabeth Paehtz


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