
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ladies Tandem Chess Simul

On May 17, at the
Pyramides sports complex, which is in Port Marly nearby Paris, a special chess event took place. My best friend Almira Skripchenko and I were invited to give a special tandem simul for 20 best players of the open which took place on May 16 at the same location.

I gave many simuls but it was the first one that I ever gave in tandem. It may seem easier for GM's to give simuls in tandem since their opponents gets less time per move, but in fact it's a lot more challenging, since the GM should not only think what to do in a given position, but he/she should also remember that the partner with whom he/she is giving this simul may have absolutely different ideas and plans about the position.

Nevertheless, after nice speeches, some photos and autographs Almira and I started the simul.
Almira and I are ready to start the event.

With the organizer of the event, Mr. Benno Feingold, whom I thank for this nice idea and warm hospitality.

As is customary, we shook hands with all the players

And started making moves, turn by turn.

It was not always easy to make decisions.

At the end of the simul, we had many things to discuss.

After a few hours of exciting play, Almira and I managed to win 17 games, 2 games were hard-fought draws and we lost one encounter (+17=2-1). For those of you who know French I can recommend reading
Almira's blog and her impressions of the simul. We also prepared for you some very nice photos of the simul, as usual, with the help of our wonderful friends on Such nice events are always a very good way to promote chess!

It's also always a pleasure for me to prove that "Intelligence and Beauty can go together"!

Posted by: Alexandra Kosteniuk
Women's Wolrd Chess Champion

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